ABBREVIATIONS BUCKi-AND, 'Vexthook W’.W’. Buckland, A Textbook of Rotfuiti I.azi' fromAugustus to Justiiiiati, ed., by P. Stein (C'ambridge, 196O. Digexta ffuxtiuiani (d'he Digest of Justinian). K\ ANS-joNKS, Or// Ldii' Robin K\ ans-Jones, ed., I'be Civil l.tiZL' Tniilition in Scotland, (ILdinburgh, lyys"). Gai Institutiones (d’he Institutes of Ciaius). H.\RTK.\.\iF, European Civil Code Arthur Hartkamp et ak, edd., I 'oxvards a European Civil Code (Nijmegen, 199S). J. UistitutwnesJustiniani (Hie Institutes of Justinian). joi.owicz and mchoi^as, 1 f.F.Jolowicz and B. Historical Introduction Nicholas.///.rr///7o// Introduction to the Study of Roma71 Law, H ed. (Cambridge, 1972). K.vsER, P7ivat7rcbt, 1 Max Kaser, Das rlnnische Pydvatrecht, I, 2d ed. (Munich, 1971). N AN HOECKE and OST, Mark \ an Hoecke and Franyois I{arfnonisatio7i Ost, edd.. The llarynoiiisation of Eu)-opeati of Private Law(Oxford, 2000). NV.ATSON, Evolutio7i Alan Watson, I'he Evolutioji of lleste/y/ Private Law (Baltimore, 2001). D. G. 18