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law, time, and place: a lund perspective on legal history value for us legal historians in Lund, reinforced by visits to Hamburg. My researchonMax Rheinstein has been kindly supported by theMPIPRIV.37 The Maastricht Treaty and the founding of the European Union placed European legal history firmly on the curricula of the member states’ faculties of law. European law was no longer regarded as a separate field of international law; from 1995 in Sweden’s case it had to be integrated into the curriculum in each field of law. Among the Nordic countries, Finland was the most dedicated to Nordic and European law, and of our Nordic colleagues Pia Letto-Vanamo was among the first of the Nordic legal historians to tackle this crucial field. In 1997 she and her colleague Olli Mäenpää arranged an interdisciplinary seminar in Helsinki on Nordic identity, bringing together Nordic legal historians and members of theHelsinki law faculty, and this was followed by several seminars and publications.38 Letto-Vanamo has been a good friend to the Lund legal historians since the 1980s, strengthening relations between Helsinki and Lund. She is also a specialist in the early modern period in Nordic legal history, and thus supported Elsa Trolle Önnerfors when working on her thesis.39 Letto-Vanamo is the epitome of the legal historian, who with her broad and deep legal knowledge has opened up the field from early modern towards the late modern period, and to the present concerns of national, Nordic and European law.40 (Oxford: OUP, 1996); Reinhard Zimmermann, D. P. Visser & Kenneth G. C. Reid (eds.), Mixed Legal Systems in Comparative Perspective: Property and Obligations in Scotland and South Africa(Oxford: OUP, 2004); JackBeatson & ReinhardZimmermann, Jurists Uprooted: German-Speaking Emigré Lawyers in Twentieth-Century Britain(Oxford: OUP, 2004). 37 Kjell Å. Modéer, ‘Law émigré Max Rheinstein (1899–1977)’, in this volume, 256 ff. 38 Pia Letto-Vanamo, Nordisk identitet: Nordisk rätt i europeisk gemenskap (Helsinki: Katti, 1998); JaakkoHusa,Kimmo Nuotio &Heikki Pihlajamäki (eds.), Nordic Law: Between Tradition and Dynamism(Antwerp: Intersentia, 2007). 39 Elsa Trolle Önnerfors, Justitia et prudentia: Rättsbildning genom rättstillämpning: Svea hovrätt och testamentsmålen 1640–1690(Rättshistoriskt bibliotek, 70;Stockholm: Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning, 2014). 40 Pia Letto-Vanamo, Ditlev Tamm & Bent Ole Gram Mortensen (eds.), Nordic Law in European Context (Ius Gentium, Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 73; Cham: Springer, 2019). 33