part v • comparative legal history • kjell å modéer and Coing’s vision of legal scholarship and legal culture. This had its beginnings in the cognitive structures of the post-war years; the current internationalization and globalization of the law began with the Germanspeaking law émigrés and their universal hopes. Of that generation, Max Rheinstein will be remembered as an important figure. 274 Max Rheinstein, Honorary Doctor of Law, Stockholm University 1957. In 1957 the Stockholm University celebrated its fifty year-anniversary by appointing several vernacular and foreign honorary doctors. Among the doctores of the Law Faculty were three international professors of comparative law: Max Rheinstein (University of Chicago), Hessel E. Yntema (1891– 1966) at University of Michigan/Ann Arbor, and the French comparatist Léon Julliot de La Morandière (1885–1968), Paris. – Those appointments marked the international orientation of the post-war Stockholm law faculty.