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part v • comparative legal history • kjell å modéer interpreted,’ Folke Schmidt told a journalist. ‘Our goal is simply to seek to smooth the path to success in the international shaping of laws, especially regarding purchase and contract.’44 Rheinstein stressed that UShad a great deal to learn from Scandinavia. ‘In many areas, not least in commerce, you have modern as well as rational laws, while we in the USare unfortunately stuck with the old legal legacy from England, which does not always suit our modern times. …You have also succeeded in creating identical laws in Scandinavia, and even though it applies to four countries in comparison to fifty states in theUS, we believe your experience would be of the benefit to us.’45 Home in Chicago after two weeks of intense discussions, Rheinstein noted that all the participants had expressed a desire to build on their new contacts.46 His Scandinavian network found its chance to reunite in 1966,when theVIIth International Congress of Comparative Law met in Uppsala with Åke Malmström as the host.47 Several Swedish jurists gave papers.Rheinstein attended, and after the conference he and his wife Lilly went to Helsinki at the invitation of the Chicago alumnus, Zacharias Sundström. One of the young jurists Rheinstein had first met at Hässelby was Ole Lando from the Copenhagen Business School. Lando had obtained his PhD only a couple of years before and was now a newly appointed professor. They met again in 1967, when they discussed the international project on arbitration (voldgift) chaired by two American specialists, Soia 44 ‘Amerika kan lære af Skandinaverne’, Berlingske Tidende, August 1965: ‘Man kan lämpligen likna den nuvarande situationenmed två skilda uppfattningar om hur en bibeltext ska tolkas …Vårt mål är helt enkelt att söka att förbättra framgångssättet vid internationell utformning av lagar, särskilt rörande köp och avtal.’ 45 ‘Amerika kan lære af skandinaverne’, Berlingske Tidende, Aug. 1965: ‘På många områden, inte minst på handelns, har ni både moderna och förnuftiga lagar, medan vi i USAtyvärr släpar runt på gammalt arvegods från England, som inte alltid passar in i vår moderna tid. … Det har också lyckats er att skapa likalydande lagar i Norden, och trots att det gäller fyra länder i förhållande till USAs 50 stater, tror vi att era erfarenheter skulle kunna vara till gagn för oss.’ 46 UChicago, SCRC, Max Rheinstein Papers, MRtoACLSattn Thore Modeen, 4 Nov. 1965 47 Swedish national reports to the VIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, Uppsala, 1966 (Acta Instituti Upsaliensis Iurisprudentiae Comparativae, 7;Stockholm:Almqvist &Wicksell, 1966). 270