law émigré max rheinstein (1899–1977) December 1955, but this time to Oslo, where he gave three lectures on ‘The Practical Significance of Theories in Private International Law’. Rheinstein’s guest lectures at European universities helped promote his home institution in Chicago and the research project he represented. In the 1950s a Nordic scholarly network grew up with Rheinstein at the centre. Nordic legal scholars, both sociologists and jurists, were involved in Rheinstein’s large family law project on divorce. The pioneering criminologist, Thorsten Sellin, Swedish by birth and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, was among the contributors, as was the first professor of sociology at Lund University, Gösta Karlsson. One of Rheinstein’s family law conferences – in Santiago de Compostela in 1956 – was attended by Carl Jacob Arnholm from Oslo and Folke Schmidt from Stockholm; the following year in Chicago, the law professor Gustaf Henrik Ilmari Melander from Helsinki and Gösta Karlsson from Lund attended. Rheinstein’s network was reunited at the 4th Conference of Comparative Law in Hamburg in 1956, where Ljungman reported on the drafting of the Swedish legislation on intellectual property.38 In the Nordic countries, Rheinstein worked to maintain links with Carl Jacob Arnholm (Norway), Seve Ljungman and Folke Schmidt (Sweden), Otto Brusiin, Zacharias Sundström, and Tore Modeen (Finland), and Ole Lando (Denmark). After his visit to Stockholm in 1951, Rheinstein’s name opened doors, which was of great importance for Ljungman’s research. As early as November 1951 he wrote to Rheinstein to gauge whether he had a realistic chance of a fellowship in Chicago, being interested in ‘American legal method in general’, but more specifically in copyright and intellectual property. He also referred to the current Nordic investigation of common Nordic legislation in the field (‘partly not yet published’).39 In the post-war period, Folke Schmidt was a leading figure in international private law and labour law.He spent substantial research periods 38 Tryckfrihet och upphovsrätt: Offentlighetskommitténs slutbetänkande (SOU1967:28); Gerhard Simson, ‘Hamburg-kongressen för jämförande rättsvetenskap’, Svensk Juristtidning 42 (1957), 145–6. 39 UChicago, SCRC, Max Rheinstein Papers, Seve Ljungman t MR, 20.11.1951. 267