part v • comparative legal history • kjell å modéer With his extensive international contacts in international private law and comparative law, not least in the Scandinavian countries, Rheinstein was in an enviable position inWestern Europe. Immediately after the war the University of Chicago struck up a collaboration with the law faculty at the University of Frankfurt, resulting in the Chicago–Frankfurt Summer School, in which Rheinstein took part. In the summer of 1951 Rheinstein spent a month in Frankfurt, lecturing on the sociology of law. His next stop was the second German Congress for Comparative Law in Cologne in September, and after which he gave a series of guest lectures at Scandinavian universities.34 Originally Oslo was on his itinerary, but his plans were changed. His tour started in Copenhagen, where Prof. Henry Ussing was his host. Lund followed, where he gave a lecture on ‘Judicial Practice and Legal Doctrine in the United States of America’ and held a seminar on the same subject, chaired by the dean of the faculty, Prof. Karl Olivecrona.At Uppsala he gave his lecture in German as ‘Methoden des Rechtsdenkens in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika’. Here his colleague, Prof. Åke Malmström was his host. After a couple of days in Uppsala he gave the same lecture in Stockholm, but now in English as ‘Methods of Legal Thought in the United States of America’.35 It was a great success. Prof. Seve Ljungman wrote to Rheinstein that the Stockholm faculty were united in their opinion that his visit was ‘the most perfect success [they] ever had with a foreign lecture’.36 His contact in Stockholmwas presumably Prof. Folke Schmidt, who shortly after the war had visited Chicago, although more to meet Llewellyn than Rheinstein. Rheinstein’s Scandinavian tour brought two visitors to Chicago in 1952, when Henry Ussing (Copenhagen) and Seve Ljungman (Stockholm) visited at his invitation.37 Rheinstein himself returned to Scandinavia in 34 UChicago, SCRC, Max Rheinstein Papers, MRto Seve Ljungman, 30 Apr. 1951. The original plan for September was Oslo 10th–15th, Köpenhamn, 17th–20th, Cologne 21st–23rd, Uppsala 24th–26th, and Stockholm 29th–31st. 35 [H.T.], ‘Amerikansk gästföreläsare’, Svensk Juristtidning 36 (1951), 797. 36 UChicago,SCRC, MaxRheinsteinPapers, Seve Ljungman toMR, Djursholm20Nov. 1951. 37 UChicago, SCRC, Max Rheinstein Papers, MR to Helmut Coing, Chicago 7 Feb. 1952. 266 Nordic networks, Nordic friends