he starting pointof this survey of contemporary legal history at the law faculty at Lund University is 1947, the year of the inauguration of the Olin Foundation for Legal History.1 During the Second World War, Sweden’s legal history was characterized by nationalism and the deep structures of the law.2 Immediately after the war in the autumn of 1945, the professor of legal history at Lund, Ivar Sjögren, sketched out the task of post-war Swedish legal historical research. Now was the time, he said, to write a conclusive description of Swedish legal developments, and not only of the mediaeval and early modern periods: the modern period up to the beginning of the twentieth century had to be included in the narrative.3 T legal history•introduction 1 Kjell Å. Modéer, ‘Den historiska vändningen: Om humaniora och rättsvetenskap’, in Henrik Rahm, David Dunér, Sten Hidal & Bibi Jonsson (eds.), I Pallas Athenas huvud: Hundra år av humaniora (Lund: Makadam, 2020), 194 ff.; Mauritz Bäärnhielm, ‘En stiftelse blir till. Olinska stiftelsen 50 år’, in Kjell Å.Modéer (ed.), Rättshistoria i förändring: Olinska stiftelsen 50 år: Ett internationellt symposium i Stockholm den 19–21 november 1997/Legal history in change: The Olin Foundation for Legal History 50 years: An international symposium in Stockholm, November 19–21, 1997 (Rättshistoriska studier, 22; Stockholm: Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning, 2002), 5 ff. 2 Kjell Å.Modéer, ‘Det svenska rättsarvet: Om beredskapstidens historisering och dess rättsliga uttryck ur ett law& literature-perspektiv’, Vetenskapssocietetens i Lund årsbok(2013), 88 ff. 3 Ivar W. Sjögren, ‘Arbetsuppgifter för nutida svensk rättshistorisk forskning’, Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund. Årsberättelse 1945–46(1946), 91 ff. 20 Law, time, and place: A Lund perspective on legal history: A tribute to our honorary doctors 1. Kjell ÅModéer