RS 27

how legal actions can end angelegenheiten).42 Because Stahl lost the case there, he then successfully sought justice at the Lübeck High Court as appellate court, based on the “reasons of doubts and reasons of decision” (Zweifels- und Entscheidungsgründe) of the law faculty of Leipzig,43 which, however, according to the view of the bricklayers’ guild “did not know its constitution and which did not take much interest in the prosperity of the local trade organisations” (Verfassung nicht kannte, und der der Wohlstand der hiesigen Aemter eben nicht sehr am Herzen lag).44 “However, given that it would not only severely burden and encumber the trade organisation if the number of its local journeymen would excessively increase, because they would have neither food nor work” (Weil es aber nicht nur dem Amt, sondern auch der Stadt und deren Bürgerschafft zur größten Last und beschwerde gereichen würde, wenn die Anzahl derer einheimischen Gesellen gar zu sehr gehäufet würde, indem diese entweder nahrlos und ohne Arbeit bleiben würden),45 the bricklayers’ guild saw itself compelled, “to do everything possible to oppose this entirely new and extremely dangerous order, and to humbly resort to this highest imperial court as the magistrate of Lübeck would be hindered by the judgment taken by foreign legal scholars to maintain its constitution.” ([D]ieser ganz neuen äußerst gefährlichen Anordnung nach aller Möglichkeit zu widersezzen und weil Magistratus Lubecensis durch das von auswärtigen Rechts Gelehrten gesprochene Urtheil außer Stand gesezt war, demselben dero Obrigkeitlichen Schutz angedeyhen zu laßen, und ihre […] Verfaßung […] aufrecht zu halten, zu diesem allerhöchsten kaiserlichen und Reichs Gericht ihre unterthänigste Zuflucht zu nehmen.)46 After several years without any progress in the matter, the legal action then was cancelled by mutual consent within few months. Before the dispute resolution, the parties settled to the effect that Stahl “if no master bricklayer of Lübeck is expressly called for, may work and engage in small constructions with his handymen in Travemünde, without the bricklayers’ guild of Lübeck objecting thereto, but has to refrain from 42 According to: Landes-Industrie-Comptoir 1838 p. 108. 43 StadtA Lübeck RKG no. M 8, fol. 170–176. 44 Ibid., 2, fol. 25v. 45 Ibid., subfolder 2, fol. 21r. 46 Ibid., subfolder 2, fol. 26r. 88