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how legal actions can end for a successful out-of-court agreement.32 Three months later, Rübmann withdrew the action.33 Also, Vincent Moller from Hamburg relatively quickly realised that his appeal would hardly be successful. In the matter lodged with the Imperial Chamber Court in 1657 he asked through his legal counsel Kühorn, slightly more than a year later, for acknowledgement to have “judicially renounced” (gerichtlich renuncijrt).34 A short time before, Moller had already declared in his pleadings that the objection raised by the appellee that an instance had been jumped by direct recourse to the Imperial Chamber Court, had also inured to his benefit. “If I were to win, the inhibition would automatically cease to exist.” (Wan Ich obsiegen solte, die Inhibitio für sich selbst dahin fallen würde.)35 For the event that the Hamburg Council “should hear his main complaint and after the hearing judicially decide, then in such confidence no remission or judgment would be required” ([H]auptsachlichen notturfft […] werde hören, undt die Sache nach anleitung Rechtens entscheiden: Allermaßen dan in solcher Zuversicht […] bedarff es also keiner remission noch Urtheil.)36 In the same hearing, the adverse counsel Gülich placed on records that he “hereby in law” (hirmit in Recht an) accepted the applied for cancellation of the proceedings.37 The pending dispute was not always set aside so relatively swiftly. If the legal situation seemed less transparent, the parties were often not willing to settle, as long as both counted on sufficient prospects of success. Only 15 years after the matter was referred to the Imperial Chamber Court the dispute between the bricklayers’ guild of Lübeck and the journeyman bricklayer Salomon Stahl did see some progress.38 Stahl, orig32 HStAStuttgart, C 3, fascicle no. 3635, letter of 8 November 1751, without [Q]. 33 HStAStuttgart, C 3, fascicle no. 3635, deed of the Öhring notary Georg Heinrich Ludwig Zaun, 10 February 1752, without [Q]. 34 StA HH RKGno. M50, Special Record, entry of 26 August 1658, fol. 4R. 35 StA HH RKGno. M50, [Q] 18. 36 StA HH RKGno. M50, [Q] 18. 37 StA HH RKGno. M50, Special Record, entry of 26 August 1658, fol. 4V. 38 StadtA LübeckRKGno. M8. 86 Appeals