anja amend-traut After his return, Rübmann – who by notarial deed was identified as poor party30 – not only claimed the sales proceeds thus far kept by Count Johann, but in addition sought compensation for the “damage suffered from the presumptuous sale” (durch die angemaßte Verkauffung erlittene[n] Schaden) or “to be granted sufficient compensation for hunting services” (dafür eine hinlängliche Jägerey-Bedienung in Gnaden gegeben werden möchte). After all, he had not been a serf of the defendant who had thus not been entitled to sell him. His sale as “otherwise healthy and experienced huntsman” (als sonst gesunder und erfahrner Jäger) had thus “deprived him of all his happiness and straight limbs” (um sein gantzes zeitliches Glück und gerade Glieder gebracht worden). After he had been left “entirely without consolation” (gäntzlich trostlos gelassen) despite various requests,31 Rübmann sought remedy with the Imperial Chamber Court. Impressed by themore than clear-cut facts, Count Johann – excellently advised and represented by Johann Jakob Zwierlein and Johann Paul Besserer – shortly thereafter informed the court that the claimant had “presented himself before Count Johann with the intention of obtaining his alternative support or an amicable settlement of the matter” (wieder eingefunden, in der Absicht […] seine anderweite Versorgung oder eine gütliche Beylegung der Sache aus zu würcken). For this purpose, Rübmann had already received “what was for the time being required to subsist” (einstweil[en]das zur nöthig[en]Lebens Unterhaltung erforderl. empfang [en]). Therefore, they had no doubt that the claimant would “be adequately compensated according to his circumstances” (auf eine seinen Umständen convenable Arth klagloß gestellet). Due to this “covertly” (unter der Hand) reported amicable dispute settlement, Count Johann’s legal counsel finally asked “to hold back further court proceedings for a while” (mit weiterem Gerichtlichen Verfahren noch in etwas zurückzuhalten) and to wait 29 HStAStuttgart, C3, fascicle no. 3635, copy of the dismissal notice of 08 August 1744, without [Q]. 30 HStAStuttgart, C3, fascicle no. 3635, certificate of poverty issued by the notary Dr. Johann Gottlob Fridmann Lucke, file exhibit no. 3 of 14 April 1751, and of the forester of the princely forest Abraham Birckner, file exhibit no. 4 of 17 April 1751, both without [Q]. 31 HStA Stuttgart, C 3, fascicle no. 3635, letter of April 1751, fol. 2R, without [Q]. 85