marju luts-sootak tution of the Livonian court system, the High Court of Dorpat3 (in Swedish: hovrätt; in German: Hofgericht), established in 1632, focusing on its functions and the founding process.4 There are also accounts of Livonian court system and the High Court of Dorpat in Estonian historiography, found mostly in general overviews,5 as well as some more narrow studies6 and monographs7 devoted to the Swedish period. There are studies based on archival sources concerning the educational background of the members of the High Court of Dorpat8 and the finances spent on the Livonian High Court and the Livonian land courts by the Swedish treasury.9 But more often than not, newer Estonian and German history writing has remained content with reproducing the results of earlier studies or general overviews in German or Swedish.10 On this background, the recent works by Heikki Pihlajamäki appear as something of an exception. Firstly, his studies are based on primary sources. Secondly, he has approached the Swedish-era Livonian court system and court procedure comparatively, looking at it both in its narrower, Swedish-Finnish, as well as in its more general, European legal historical context. Pihlajamäki has so far written about the exant sources and the general functioning principles of the Livonian High Court,11 while also looking at the reforming of the lower courts in Livonia in the 1630s,12 and comparing the use of legal sources in Livonian courts with the practice in Swedish and especially German contemporary courts.13 He has also thoroughly analysed both the general principles and norms of criminal procedure 3 “Dorpat” is the German name of the Estonian city Tartu. 4 Tuchtenhagen, Ralph 2005 passim; Estonian translation: Tuchtenhagen, Ralph 2006. 5 E. g. in the new general academic overview of Estonian history: Küng, Enn 2013 pp. 245248. 6 Küng, Enn 2012 pp. 231-236; Loit, Aleksander 2002b pp. 16-18. 7 E. g. about the High Court of Dorpat and the court system of Livonia and Estonia in general: Tarkiainen, Kari – Tarkiainen, Ülle 2013 pp. 96-103; Estonian translation: Tarkiainen, Kari – Tarkiainen, Ülle 2014 pp. 111-119. 8 Tering, Arvo 1989passim. 9 Piirimäe, Helmut 2009 pp. 147-149. 10 The more important ones include: Bunge, Friedrich Georg 1874 pp. 226-258; Meurling, Anna Christina 1967passim. 11 Letto-Vanamo, Pia – Pihlajamäki, Heikki 2002passim. 12 Pihlajamäki, Heikki 2003 passim. 13 Pihlajamäki, Heikki 2007a passim. 219