how legal actions can end 118 HStAStuttgart, C3, fascicle no. 3031, Appendix no. 17. 119 HStAStuttgart, C3, fascicle no. 3635, deed of the Öhring notary Georg Heinrich Ludwig Zaun, 10 February 1752, without [Q], fol. 4r. 106 present settlement and renunciation deed [...] we forgive, renounce and waive by force of the present deed, all and any claims already asserted and arising in the future in the mentioned matter, of any kind whatsoever, for us, our heirs and heirs to the heirs, also wards, then their heirs and hereditary right owners with carefully considered courage and good knowledge, forever, in such manner that none of us, nor our and their wards, heirs and descendants can for any reason whatsoever assert any future claims; rather, the matter shall from this hour on be seen as if it had never been an issue.” ([N]ach unserer allerseitigen eigenen Hand- und Pettschaftsferttigung dieses gegenwärttigen Vergleichs und Renunciations Urkund […] verzeihen, renunciren, und entsprechen wir sämtliche Fidei Comiss-Interessenten krafft gegenwärttiger Urkund allen und jeden in mentionirter Sache bereits erhobenen und künftigen Ansprüchen, es mögen solche Nahmen haben, wie sie nur immer wollen, für Uns, unsere Erben und Erbeserben, auch Pfleegbefohlenen, dann deren Erben und Erbnehmer mit wohlbedachtem muth und guten Wißen, auf immer und ewig, also und dergestalten, daß keines von uns, noch unsere und unserer Pfleegbefohlenen Erben und Nachkommen, unter was Vorwand es immer sey, dieserwegen mehr weitere Ansprüche in Zukunft machen zu können, fug haben, sondern von dieser Stund an die ganze Sache also angesehen werden solle, als wenn hievon niemal eine Rede gewesen.)118 Two days later, the procurator Zwierlein submitted the deed to files of the Imperial Chamber Court andstated that hewas instructed to“solemnly renounce.” Also in thecausaof Rübmann versus Count Johann Friedrich von Hohenlohe, as quoted at the beginning, the declaration was attributed both a substantive and a procedural effect: Rübmann first waived “instead of a real oath” (an würcklicher Eydes Statt), due to being transferred to service in the Royal Prussian Army “all future claims whatsoever or imaginable” (im[m]er Nahmen haben – oder erdacht werd[en] mögen).119 It was then recorded that Rübmann fully withdrew the action brought before the Imperial Chamber Court, “to the effect that I will now and forever, due to being transferred to Royal Prussian service, refrain from bringing any