glossary 429 Swedish equivalent of a jury consisting of twelve (locally) nominated men; however, the jury and the nämndhave significant differences Instrument of Government Diet, parliamentary meeting of the four Estates (nobility, clergy, burghers and peasants) of the Realm Council of the Realm, the Swedish council of state; also Councillor of the Realm, member of the Swedish council of state Town court (1614) 1614 Ordinance of Judicial Procedure (1615) 1615 Procedural Rules for the Court of Appeal Town Law Governor; also: constable or warden of a royal castle (1734) Code of the Realm of 1734 Assizes Over-Governor, the highest official of Stockholm after 1634 Nämnd Regeringsform Riksdag Riksråd Rådstuvurätt Rättegångs-Ordinantie Rättegångs-Process Stadslag Ståthållare Sveriges rikes lag Ting Överståthållare