• Riksarkivet [National Archives of Sweden], Stockholm, Sweden Svea hovrätts huvudarkiv [Main Archive of the Svea Court of Appeal] D VI a 3 aa: Auskultanteder The Digest of Justinian, vol. 1 (eds. Theodor Mommsen, Paul Krueger and Alan Watson), Philadelphia 1985. Inventar der Prozessakten des Wismarer Tribunals, vol. 1: Bestand des Archivs der Hansestadt Wismar (ed. Nils Jörn), Wismar 2008 – 2013. Kongl. maj:ts Förordning, Wid des Ammiralitets Öfwer och Under Rätt, At i ackt tagas och efterlefwas. Gifwen Lund den 15 januarii 1717, Stockholm 1717 mixed legal systems – kjell å. modéer 420 tirely satisfactory. This volume makes the reader curious about more detailed research. The research on the early modern judicial culture has to be continued. The Svea Court of Appeal, however, is to be congratulated on having this valuable contribution to its history, culture and identity as it celebrates its fourth centenary. Bibliography Unprinted Sources Printed Sources