RS 26

the court of appeal as legal transfer – heikki pihlajamäki 233 Ius commune sources did not diminish as the years passed; quite the contrary. Instead of listing more examples of the use of ius commune in the Dorpat Court of Appeal, however, it may be useful to start from the lower court level. This I will do in order to show how interlinked the different levels of the judiciary were. The Court of Appeal could talk the ius commune language, because it was understood at the lower court level staffed by professional jurists – and vice versa. On 21 January 21 1635, a junker called Matthias Stahl stood accused of murder at Pernau Land Court. The procedure was written, legalistic and shot through withius commune or gemeines Recht. While the advocate of the accused claimed that his client had killed the victim by mistake, the prosecutor (actor officialis) answered with a citation from Bartolus: Nam si quis errori ducto alium occidat, quim occidere noluit, poena ordinaria homicidij punitendum esse, exto, quod dabat operam rei illicita; Bart: in l. respicitadum §. delinquunt in postr. resb. ff. de poenis.629 In another homicide case from 1640 against a nobleman called Jacob Hintze, an experienced lawyer and the Oberfiskal or prosecutor at Dorpat High Court, Philipp Tinctorius actually acted as the defence attorney. In this case, Tinctorius used an unusually wide range of legal sources. According to Tinctorius, his client had acted in self-defence (Notstandsituation), defending his house from an intruder: Tinctorius thus referred to most of the legal sources mentioned in the Land Court Ordinances: Roman law, gemeines Recht and Swedish law. In Ed.” […] “ ut lite demora contestate, probationisbusq receptis, et causa plena cognita… Tit: ff de re juridic”; (exceptio, f. 3) “dilutio ipso iure non valet & probationibus infra iam receptae nullam efficaciam […] Bald: m com:333 cul. fm. 3 Volum”; (duplica, f. 17-19) “etiamsi non exprees […] Procontestate habeat, Rost (?) in Prax: civil: et libris contest: Dal 1[…] fratris pro fratri testimonium in civilibus firmum sit. Bald. Vol. 2cons. Ns,”LVA, Akten des Livländischen Hofgerichts 1630-1709, 109/2/120, Akten des Livländischen Hofgerichts (1640), Paul von Wulffen c. Gotthard Helmer. 629 Eesti Ajalooline Arhiiv (hereafter EAA, Estonian Historical Archives), 915/1/1 Pernauer Landgericht 1632-1643, fol. 9. “ferrumcum ferro omni de jure licitum est repellere, ex non solum ictum sed etiam impetum in quo timor consistit salutis. p.l. si ex plagijs §. tabernor, ff. de vi et vi armata. [...] Cum Domus cuiq sua, tutissimum sit refugium ac receptaculum ut etiam is qui ingreditur in ucto Domo vim inferre videatur. l. pleriq. ff. d. In jus vocando Keysers Caroli des 5. Peinliche Halsgerichts Ordnunge, ccxxxviii. et seqq. auch besteht. - Und ist im 24. Capt. lib: 2 juris Suetici.”