RS 26

abrahamsson, Olle 2014: “Svea hovrätt 400 år – en framåtsyftande jubileumsskrift.” In: Svensk Juristtidning afzelius, Ivar 1914: “Ett Trehundraårsminne: Anförande vid Svea hovrätts plenum den 16. febr. 1914.” In: Svensk tidskrift almquist, Jan Eric 1940; “Bidrag till frågan om Svea hovrätts uppkomst.” In: Svensk Juristtidning preface – mia korpiola 21 centenary. With good reason did the Court become an institutional model that was considered worth replicating in other regions of the Swedish Realm. We wish the Svea Court of Appeal many happy future years dispensing justice to the people of Sweden as it has been doing for four centuries now. Bibliography Secondary Literature