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the svea court of appeal in the early modern period 196 bilities had largely gone. In Sweden, the nobility was never abolished, but the Estate’s privileged position declined step by step from the late seventeenth century on. In 1865, the Parliament of the four Estates was dissolved and replaced by a two-chamber system. At the same time, nearly all of the nobility’s political privileges were removed. The system with different courts for different groups in society was abolished in practice as well, and theforum privilegiatumfor the nobility in the appeal court was considerably reduced.555 However, some disputes about family law involving members of the nobility were still to be settled by the court of appeal as a first instance. This included noble inheritance disputes, distribution of property made by noblemen on their deathbed and guardianship for the nobility’s children and other relatives.556 But in December 1915, the nobility decided to relinquish the remaining parts of the forum privilege an in 1916, a law revoked the last regulations on this matter.557 Some minor noble privileges actually remained until the beginning of the twenty-first century. Until 2003, the nobility was regulated by agovernment statute, but in this year, the statute was abolished and all connections between state and nobility were dissolved. The last regulations on noble privileges in Sweden had finally been abolished.558 555 Eriksson, Bo 2011 p. 407. 556 The Code of the Realm of 1734, the code of judicial procedure, chapter 8:2 paragraph 8, printed inSveriges rikes lag. Gillad och Antagen på Riksdagen Åhr 1734). 557 SFS1916:91 Lag om rätt domstol i vissa mål och ärenden angående frälsemän. 558 SFS2003:179 Lag om upphävande av ridderskapets och adelns privilegier (1723:1016 1).