RS 26

prolonged noble property disputes – anu lahtinen 149 ous Planting vs. Stålarm case also illustrates that it could be useful to have the documents preserved in the Svea Court of Appeal archives where they could later be found for the purposes of other cases. Claes Claesson, in his turn, requested that some original documents be returned to him; the key documents, however, were copied and filed with the appendices.418 Although the accounts of the court proceedings always represent the interpretation of a scribe,419 this case also seems to convey something of the rather different styles of expression of the opposing parties. Claes Claesson seems to have been somewhat abrupt. His standard response seems to have been that Planting “could never prove his claims” (“det Claes Claesson sade att han aldrig beuisa skulle”).420 Planting seems to have felt at home using more colourful language and metaphors. Among other things, Joen Planting declared that he would rather save ten souls for heaven than lure one soul to hell, apparently thinking that Claes Claessonwas guilty of the latter.When the misdemeanour of Agneta was spoken of by Claes Claesson, Planting burst out, saying that Claes Claesson “would rather turn every deceased person into whores and thieves than give away the disputed property.” In a typical reply, again, Claes Claesson answered that Planting could have left those words unspoken as the accusation could never be proved.421 Somewhat less shocking descriptions, at least as to carnal lust, were revealed in the Birckholtz vs. Banér case, which arose about at the same time as Joen Planting was filing his complaints with the Court of Appeal.422 Nevertheless, even this case was an example of bitter conflicts between noble siblings, an immaterial heritage that affected the material inheritance arrangements. The main protagonists at the court were Hieronymus (von) Birkcholtz (junior, b. ca. 1595, d. 1639) and Baron Per Banér (1578 –1644). However, the origins of the dispute can be found in property disputes and sibling relations between their common ancestors, the three children of 418 Court session 16 Dec 1620, RA, SHA, E VI a 2aa, Liber causarum 26. 419 See Lamberg, Marko 2000. 420 Court session 23 Oct. 1620, RA, SHA, E VI a 2aa, Liber causarum 26. 421 “[…] iag will heller hielpa 10 Siälar till himmelriket, än een till Helvites;” “[…] före än Claes Claesson will stiga ifrån godzett, före will han göra alla the som döda är till horor och tiuffar,” Court session 31 Oct. 1620, RA, SHA, E VI a 2aa, Liber causarum 26. Joen Planting to the Rescue of his Wife’s Property