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prolonged noble property disputes – anu lahtinen 135 chosen offer information about these other courts and ruling powers that had previously taken a stand on property disputes and related court cases. The most useful of the Svea Court of Appeal archival series for this study is Liber Causarum, which includes the court records and relevant acts, i.e., pleadings and related documents recording the course of events in chronological order (that is, in the order they were brought before the court).371 InLiber causarum, every case and the related documents are arranged separately. In contrast, the rough draft records (konceptprotokoll) and the judgement books (domböcker) are organized chronologically, with original signatures, and they reflect the daily work and variety of cases faced by the members of the court of appeal better.372 The register of sent and received letters (registratur) can serve to illustrate both the general work load and correspondence as well as communication related to particular cases, for instance, the attempts to reach an opposing party that was unwilling to appear in court.373 The pages of Liber causarumhave not been paginated, so I refer to cases and dates given in the material. In the late 1610s, Joen Planting brought several lawsuits before the Svea Court of Appeal against the relatives of his wife, Anna Johansdotter (Boga). In the 1590s, when Anna and her fatherless siblings were unmarried minors, they had been deprived of their rightful inherited property and even the chattels. Moreover, the origins of this dispute can be traced back to the 1550s and to the relations between the offspring of the paternal great grandparents of Anna, Birgitta Johansdotter (Fleming, d. before 1570) and Torsten Salomonsson (Ram, d. ca. 1550). Korpiola in this volume. For the seal of the HighCouncil, see Martin Sunnqvist’s article in this volume. 371 On archival series in the Svea Court of Appeal archives, see also Trolle Önnerfors, Elsa 2010 pp. 40, 42. 372 See, for example, the concepts of the cases used in this article, in Riksarkivet (hereafter RA, National Archives of Sweden), Svea Hovrätts huvudarkiv (hereafterSHA, Main Archive of the Svea Court of Appeal), A I a 2 vol. 2, Konceptprotokoll 1619-1620; sentence texts on the dispute between Birckholtz and Banér, 1 July 1622, inSHA, B II a vol. 2, Dombok, and the version inLiber causarum27, RA, SHA, E VI a 2aa. Some of the series dating back to the first years are incomplete; see, for example, Original sentences (Originaldomar) inRA, SHA, B II b vol. 1. 373 For correspondence related to the cases discussed in this article, seeRA, SHA, B I a vol. 3 (1618 –1623), Registratur. Joen Planting to the Rescue of his Wife’s Property