RS 25

i n h a l t 12 E i nl e i tung Ty p e n von pande k te nl e hr büch e rn L e hr buch und mündl i ch e r vort rag Pande k te nvor l e sung und pande k te n system Pande k te nvor l e sung und i n st i tut i one nvor l e sung Pande k te nvor l e sung e n und ‚ h e ut i g e s ’ röm i sch e s re cht Erg e bn i s s e I nt roduc t i on Pre s e ntat i on s of d i chotomy about th e d i f f i culty of uphol d i ng Th e g reat d i v i de b etwe e n th e ory and p rac t i c e Di scu s s i on : non d i chotomou s unde r stand i ng of e p i stemology Conc lu s i on Introduction Traditional Doctrine: the Purpose of Legal Science I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 85 85 86 87 92 94 98 102 105 105 106 112 113 118 124 127 131 159 159 160 162 164 165 Hans-Peter Haferkamp Jaakko Husa The False Dichotomy between Theory and Practice: Lessons from Comparative Law Pandektisten am Katheder Michael Lobban Theory and Practice in the Development of the Nineteenth Century Common Law Max Lyles Tradition, Conviction or Necessity? 3.1.Practicality of Theoretical Macro-Constructs: The Case of “Legal Families” 3.2.Lacking scientification of macro-constructs: the case of “legal Families” 2.1. The Sources of Law according to Ernst Viktor Nordling 2.1.1. Hierarchy of Sources 2.1.2. The Positive Task of Legal Science