Carlos Petit ways, by definition, abroad. Scientific journals developed the field and structured the intellectual discipline, and, while there was a certain lack of material and conceptual definition, this was offset by the ample organizational strengths of the thriving new area of specialization, outstandingly exemplified by Edouard Lambert. It is not my intention at this point to expand upon the work programme thus synthesized. While awaiting this development, it will be sufficient to choose an interlocutor of the era and this interlocutor could only be douard Lambert. Born in 1866, this jurist belongs to the generation which witnessed the appearance of the experimental and positive social sciencesstructured by comparative methods,finally including the traditional science of Law.-^^ This is the same generation which in the Prance of the Third Republic, led a vigorous literary and philosophical movement - a true Renaissancefrangaise - with Henri Bergson occupying a place of distinction,^^ and which extended to the field of legal thought.Pinally, members of that generation who entered the faculties of Law were the last students to be trained in the Exegesis and would become the first lecturers to sign its death certificate when, headed by Prangois Gény and Raymond Saleilles,^^ they met on the occasion of the centennial (1904) of the grossly outdated Code civil. Between Saleilles and Gény, we find Edouard Lambert who was a disciple of the former and an admirer of the latter. A young lecturer from the provinces, who around 1900 had shown his industry in two extensive monographical works on Law of Succession and Contracts, Lambert was an antiexegetical jurist who, convinced of the shortcomings of the Code, investigated a droit coutumier contemporain which underpinned the decisions of the tribunals. At the turn of the century, thanks to the support of Saleilles and his own study of the work of Gény, he reached a turning-point in his career and became a founder of Comparative Law. Paris, 1900. Among the activities of the Universal Exposition which ushered 142 ’■* Filippo Barbano - Giorgio Sola, Sociologia e scienze sociale in Italic, 1861-1890. Introduzione critiche e repertorio bibliografico, Milano, F. Angeli, 1985. Neil J. Smclscr, La comparazione nelle scienze sociali (1972), ed. ital. a cura di Alberto Marradi, trad, di Ugo Mancini, Bologna, II Mulino, 1982. Dietrich Tripp, Der Einfluss des natum'issenschaftlichen, philosophischen und historischen Positivismus auf die dcutsche Rechtslehre im19. Jahrhundert, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1983. Ernst Robert Curtins, El cspiritu francés en el siglo XX, L Gide, Rolland, Claudel, Snares, Péguy (1918), trad. Ruth Zeiner v Andreas Lotha, Madrid, Visor, 1992. Miodrag D. Toutsakovitch, Elaboration scientifique du droit positif dans la conception de Eranqois Gény. Essai critique, Paris, Pierre Bossuet, 1939. Paolo Grossi, “Pagina introduttiva. (Ripensare Gény)”, in Guaderni fiorentini, 20 (1991), 1-51; ib., “Lungo I’itinerario scientifico di Raymond Saleilles” cit. Cfr. Edouard Lambert, La stipulation pour autrui. De la nature du droit conféré au bénéficiaire contre lepromettant, Paris, Giard &Briére, 1893.