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Fromparis tothe hague 139 odologies and legal sources, attention was given to university study.Libraries were expanded and institutes were organized.Comparative Lawwas consolidated scientifically and institutionally and, because of the cooperation shown, progress in ambitious projects of legislative unification seemed a distinct possibility.'^ At this point in time, the facts are more or less known, although not altogether thought out. Present-day specialists in Comparative Law look back to the past,'^ but they have not yet provided it with historical authenticity. Lost at times in remote genealogies,-® their most immediate interest is to evoke their founding fathers-' or to identify the latest phase which might give meaning to their studies, succeeding in the somewhat dubious achievement of classifying their forbears under the pertinent unitary label.-- Nevertheless, the doctrine of Adhémar Esmcin, “Le droit compare et I’enseignement du droit”, in Nouvelle Revue Histortque de Droit Franqais et Etranger, 24 (1900), 489-498 (=Procés verbaux cit., I, 445—454); Edward Jenks, “On the Study of Comparative Jurisprudence”, in Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, n. s. 2 (1900), 446-452; Joseph Duquesne, “Der Nutzen des Studiums imAuslande fur Juristen und Nationalokonomen, mit Berticksichtigung der fur die deutschen Studenten an der Universität Grenoble getroffenen Einrichtungen”,der Internationalen Vereinigung cit. 6-7 (1904), 169-181; Henri Hayem, “L’ctude du droit compare”, in Revue Trimestrielle du Droit Civil, 8 (1909), 327-352; Edouard Lambert, L’enseignement du Droit Compare. Sa co-opération av rapprochement entre lajurisprudence franqaise et lajurisprudence anglo-américaine, Lyon. A. Rey, 1919; Ludwik Ehrlich, “Comparative Law and the Fundamentals of Its Study”, in Columbia Law Review, 21 (1921), 623—646; Henrv Levy-Ullman, “The Teaching of Comparative Law; Its Various Objects and Present Tendencies at the University of Paris”, in The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law (1925), 16-21; John H. Wigmore, “A New Wav of Teaching Comparative Law'”, in TheJournal cit. (1926), 6-16; Milton Handler, “An Experiment in the Study of Comparative Law”, \n American Bar AssociationJournal (=ABAJ), 17 (1931), 335-338. Edouard Lambert, LTnstitut oriental d’Etudes Juridiques et Sociales de Lyon. Seminaire libreouvert aux étudiants de Torient musulman, Lyon, Walter &Cie., 1910; id., LTnstitut de Droit Comparé. Son programme. Ses méthodes d’enseignement, Lyon, A. Rey, 1921. Simeon E. Baldwin, “The International Congresses and Conferences of the Last Century as Forces Working Toward the Solidaritv of the World”, in The AmericanJournal of International Law, 1-2 (1907), 565-578; Federico Cammeo, “The Present Value of ComparativeJurisprudence”, in ABAJ 4 (1918), 645-655; Fr. W. von Rauchhaupt, “Zustand und Fortschritte der Rechtsangleichung in Amerika und Europa”, in Archiv fur Rechts und Wirtschaftsphilosophie 25 (1931-1932), 331-361; Francesco Cosentini, “The Integral Unification of American Law”, in Tulane Law Review, 5 (1931), 515-534. Imre Zajtay, “Reflexions sur Involution du droit comparé”, in Eestschrift fiir Konrad Zweigerf, Tubingen 1981, 595-601. Leontin-Jean Constantinesco, Tratado de derecho comparado, 1. Introduccion al derecho comparado (1972), trad. Eduardo Freitas da Costa, Madrid, Tecnos, 1981. René David, “Edouard Lambert (1866-1947)” (1947), in Le droit comparé. Droits d’hier, Droits de demain), Paris, Economica, 1982, 10-20; Paul Dubouchet, La penséejuridique avant et apres le Code civil. Livre Deuxieme: Le renouveau du droit naturel ou les deux sources de la pensée juridique européenne, Lyon, L’Hermes, 1992, 21-34; L. Neville Brown, “A Century of Comparative Lawin England”, in The AmericanJournal of Comparative Law, 19 (1971), 232-252. Marcel Ancel, “Les grandes etapes de la recherche comparative au XXe siécle”, in Studi in memoria di A. Torrente, Milano, Giuffre, 1968, 23-32.