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138 Carlos Petit Between one assembly and another, thirty years of study in England, France, Germany and North America were to pass. Time-honoured specialized journals^ and other more recent ones,^ treatises^ and monographic works^ gradually built up a juridical field which until then had been unheard-of, no matter howmany traditions would later be made up.'° These very vears would also mark Lambert’s main intellectual output.^* Concern was shown over methodic ^^id scientifical boundaries were set.'^ The most recent foreign legislation’** was of interest, especially if the new codes, drawn up in accordance with the positive method, satisfied those who felt that dogmatic theory had nothing more to offer.additionto enthusiastic discussion regarding meth- ^ Revue de droit international et de législation comparée (Bruxelles, 1869-1939); Zeitschrift fUr vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft (Stuttgart, 1878-); Bulletin de la Législation Comparée (Paris) {=Bulletin). ^ Journal of the Society ofComparative Legislation (London, \ S96-\95\y,Jahrbuch der InternationalenVereignigung fur Vergleichendes Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre zu Berlin (Berlin, 1896-1914); Annual Bulletin. American Bar Association Comparative Law Bureau (Philadelphia, 1908-1914). * Edouard Lambert, La fonction du droit civil comparé, Paris, Giard et Briere, 1903; John H. Wigmore, A Panorama of the World’s Legal Systems, I-III, St. Paul (Minn.), West Publishing Co., 1928. ^ WilliamBurge, The Comparative Law of Marriage and Divorce, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1910; André Boldel, Le controlejurisdictionnel de la constitutionnalité des lois. Etude critique comparative, Etats-Unis - France, Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1928. Frederick Pollock, “The History of Comparative Jurisprudence” (1903), in Essays in the Eaw, London, Macmillan, 1922, 1-30 {=Procés verbaux des seances cit. I, 248-261, in French); Walter Hug, “The History of Comparative Law”, in Harvard Law Review (=Harv. L. Rev.), 45 (1931-1932), 1027-1070. ” Cfr. Introduction a Pétude du Droit. Recueil d’Etudes en I’honneur d’Edouard Lambert, I-II, Paris, Sirey-L.G.D.J., 1938. Raymond Saleilles, “La Fonctionjuridique du Droit comparé”, in Fritz Berolzheimer (Hrg.), Rechtswissenschaftliche Beiträge. Juristische Festgabe des Auslandes zuJosefKohler 60. Geburtstag 9. Marz 1909. Suttgart, F. Enke, 1909, 164-175; Pierre Lepaulle, “The Function of Comparative Law, with a Critique of Sociological Jurisprudence”, in Harv. L. Rev. 35 (1921-1922), 838-858. Joseph Kohler, “Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtsvergleichung”, in Archiv fur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, 1 (1907-1908), 192-199; Leopold Wenger, “Römisches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung”, ibd. 14 (1920-1921), 1-27; Arwed Blomeyer, “Zur Frage der Abgrenzung von vergleichender Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsphilosophie”, in Zeitschrift fur auslandisches undinternationales Privatrecht, 8 (1934), 1-16. Ernst Freund, “The New German Code”, in Harv. L. Rev. 13 (1899-1900), 627-637; Charles S. Fobingier, “The Evolution of the German Civil Code”, in Southern Law Quarterly, 1 (1916), 1-16; id., “A Spanish Object-Fesson in Code-Making”, in Yale LawJournal, 16 (1906-1907), 411^16; Peter J. Hamilton, “The Spanish Civil Code”, in Harv. L. Rev. 31 (1917-1918), 1089-1103. Cfr. The German Civil Code, Fondon, Stevens, 1907 (Ch’ung-Hui Wang, trans.); The Civil Code of the German Empire, as Enacted on August 18, 1896, with the Introductory Statute Enacted on the Same Date, Boston, Boston Book Co., 1909 (Walter Foewy, trans.). Werner G. Zimmermann, Valtazar Bogisic, 1834-1908. Ein Beitrag zur sudslavischen Geistes- undRechtsgeschichte im19. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1962.