RS 21

FromParis to the Hague. Edouard Lambert and Droit Commun Legislatif1 Carlos Petit 1900. The French Société de Législation Comparée held a congress on Comparative Lawfrom31 July to 4 August of that year. The man behind this institutional call was the renowned expert in civil lawRaymond Saleilles, who, having already achieved prominence for his research works on legal history and private, civil and commercial law^ would soon offer the world his studies on the BGB. Some time later, during the centennial year of the Napoleonic Code, he would publish two thick volumes of reports and/7roce5 verhaux? 1932. Although with a certain delay, an international congress on Comparative Lawwas held in The Ffague which proclaimed itself to be the first, in spite of that which had taken place in Paris in 1900, organized by the Académie internationale de droit comparé. All credit for organizing this great meeting goes to one of Saleilles’s men, Edouard Lambert. Lambert was a professor at Lyon where for some years he had been the driving force behind the young but very active Institut de Droit Comparé which had earned a fine reputation as a study centre of the American sector of Common Law. For this reason and due to behind-the-scenes contacts, particularly the friendship between Lambert and John H. Wigmore, Dean of Law at Northwestern University in Illinois,"^ international participationwas very strong and transatlantic cooperation was outstanding. The minutes of the congress were published^ to coincide with a tribute to mark the academic retirement of Francois Gény, in which Lambert himself played a leading role and which Wigmore also attended. ' Research Project PB-93-087 (Ministerio de Educacion). 2 Paolo Gross!, “Assolutismo e diritto privato. Lungo I’itinarario scientifico di Raymond Saleilles, in Rivista di Diritto Civile, 39 (1993), 345-398; Jacques-Henri Robert, “Saleilles et le comparatisme”, in Revue d’histoire des Facultés de Droit et de la sciencejuridique, 12 (1991), 143149. ^ Congrés international de droit comparé. Tenn a Pans du 31 juillet au 4 aout 1900. Procesverbaux des seances et documents, Paris Librairie Générale du Drot ct Jurisprudence, I, 1905; II, 1907. William R. Roalfe, John Henry Wigmore, Scholar and Reformer, Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1977. ^ Elémer Balogh (ed.), Mémoires de VAcadémie internationale de drot comparé, 2/1 (1934), 461-629, upon Le premier congrés international de droit comparé. Gfr. Edouard Lambert, Le congrés international de droit comparé de 1932. Les travaux de la section générale. Souvenirs d’un congressiste, Lyon, A. Rey/Paris, Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1934.