211 von Segebaden, Carl Johan Oscar (112), 1821-92, JR 1872-86. von Seth, Pehr (165), 1867-1940, JR 1909-37. Silverstolpe, Karl Fredrik (149), 1854-1921, JR 1902-21. Sjögren, Wilhelm(164), 1866-1929, JR 1909-18. Skarin, Anders Reinhold (125), 1839—1924, JR 1886-1906. Skarstedt, Sigfrid Adalvard (158), 1867—1953, JR 1908-37. Snoilsky, Nils (79) 1792-1860, JR 1836-57. Sparre, Carl Georg (80), 1790—1852, JR 1836-52. Sparre, Gustaf Adolf Vive (83), 1802—86, JR 1840-47. Stenberg, StenoJohannes (174) 1870-1940, JR 1917-39. Strandberg, Carl Gustaf (110), 1825-74, JR 1868-74. Sundberg, Gustaf Emil (154), 1863-1952, JR 1906-33. Svedelius, Carl Arvid (166), 1867-1935, JR 1909-35. Svedelius, Carl Fritiof (114) 1828-1916, JR 1874-93. Södergren, Johan August (95), 1813-91, JR 1857-80. Themptander, Sven (67), 1779—1848, JR 1825—40. Thollander, Axel Ferdinand (140), 1848-1909, JR 1897—1909. Thomasson, Eskilander (131), 1829-91, JR 1889-91. Thomasson, Åke (156), 1863-1929, JR 1907 och 09—29. Thyselius, Carl Johan (94), 1811-91, JR 1856-60. Trygger, Ernst (152) 1857-1943, JR 1905-07. Vult von Steyern, Nils Henrik (128), 1839-99, JR 1888-89. Wedberg, Carl Otto Birger (170) 1870-1945, JR 1913-39. Wedberg, Johan Otto (117) 1826-1912, JR 1877-92. Westring, Hjalmar Georg (145), 1857-1926, JR 1898—1901 och 05-09. Wijkander, Carl Rutger Theodor (138), 1850-1925, JR 1893-1908. Wretman, Waldemar (101), 1820-1891, JR 1860-91. Åbergsson, Anders Victor (123), 1835—97, JR 1884—97. Örbom, Carl Gustaf Axel (122), 1836—89, JR 1884—88. Östergren, August (116), 1832-1914, JR 1876—89. Summary The Supreme Court and the CriminalJustice System The paper gives a survey of the developments in the criminal justice system, primarily during the period 1850-1920, as seen from the perspective of the Supreme Court. This period cannot be described as “liberal” politically speaking, but it was nonetheless a time of great social, economic and political evolution in Sweden. Neither the establishment of the Supreme Court in 1789 nor the reconstruction of the Court after the bloodless coup d’etat of 1809 accomplished a full separation of powers between the Crown, the Parliament and theJudiciary. There was a close connection between the King in Council and the Supreme Court. In the Government (Council) the Supreme court until 1909 had two of its members present in all judicial matters. The King formally presided over the Court and had two votes and the casting vote, but he