PUFENDORF AND 18TH-CENTURY SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHY 131 Hasbach, Wilhelm, Untersuchungen iiber AdamSmith . . .. Leipzig 1891. Hume, David, Treatise of Human Nature (eds. Selby-Bigge & Nidditch). Oxford 1978. Hutcheson, Francis, (Note that all the following are now available in a photoreprint edition published by Olms (1971)). Letters between the late Mr Gilbert Burnet . . . [1725]. London 1735. Philosophiae moralis institutio compendiaria. Glasgow (1742‘) 1745. An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. London 1725. De naturali hominum socialitate oratio inauguralis. Glasgow 1730. A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Glasgow 1747. A System of Moral Philosophy. Glasgow & London 1755. Kemp Smith, Norman, The Philosophy of David Hume. London 1941. Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (ed. Nidditch). Oxford 1975. Mackie, John, “Can there be a right-based moral theory?”, Midwest Studies in Philosophy III. 1978, pp. 350—359. Medick, Hans, Naturzustand und Naturgeschichte der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft. Göttingen 1973. Olivecrona, Karl, Law as Fact, 2nd ed. London 1971. “Die zwei Schichten im naturrechtlichen Denken”, Archiv fiir Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 63 (1977) pp. 79—103. Pufendorf, Samuel, De jure naturae et gentium. (1672*) Amsterdam 1688. Le Droit de la Nature et des gens. Translated and annotated by Jean Barbeyrac. (1706*) Amsterdam 1712. De officio hominis et civis. Annotated by Gottlieb Gerhard Titius (1703*) Leipzig 1715. De officio hominis et civis. Annotated by Gerschom Carmichael. (Glasgow 1718*) Edinburgh 1724. Reid, Thomas, Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind. (1788*) (ed. Wright) 1843; (ed. Brody) 1969. Schmauss, Johann Jacob, Neues Systerna des Rechts der Natur. Gottingen 1754. Smith, Adam, Lectures on Jurisprudence (eds. R. Meek, D. Raphael & P. Stein). Oxford 1978. Stewart, Dugald, Dissertation exhibiting the progress ... in Collected Works, vol. I (ed. Sir W. Hamilton). Edinburgh 1854. Thomasius, Christian, Institutiones jurisprudentiae divinae. (1685*) Halle 1730. Titius, Gottlieb, see Pufendorf 1715. Wodrow, Robert, Analecta. Edinburgh 1842—1843.