RB 76

the execution and its message took place a few days before execution day. The sermon, on a suitable text chosen for the occasion, was to utilise the condemned, visible for all, as an example in elucidating the dangers of temptations and sin, but also illuminating the mercy of God, available for everybody.302 However, the service of Holmgren, though clearly described, was only one version of this service. For example, sermons on the ordinary reading of the Sunday were also given.303 An early example of a condemned sermon in Sweden concerned the execution of Carl Beckman in 1746.304 In Stockholm the condemned sermon is said to have been compulsory in 1790.305 The environment of this service, centred on the condemned and gathering large congregations, was often the prison, its church, or another suitable room. References are sometimes made to it being held before the travel to the site of execution was commenced.306 The large assembly was the reason that the castle preacher Nils Anders Alin in Jönköping in 1801 wanted to borrow the town church for the service. The facilities at the castle would not harbour the expected crowd. Permission was granted.307 This and additional evidence suggest that the condemned sermon was seen as a service more for the rest of the congregation than for the condemned. A very well-attended service in Copenhagen 1839 went ahead without the condemned being present.308 In this case the condemned had also wished to receive communion only with the attending priest present.309 Although it seems probable that somebody harbouring such wishes when it came to communion probably was not pleased of the idea of a service where many would try to sneak a glimpse of her, there were also 302 Holmgren 1857 p 124 sq. 303 Hylander 1805 p 143, Wrangel 1825 p 7. 304 Odhelius 1842 p 12 sq. 305 Memorial 1790 nr 187 § 4. 306 Odhelius 1842 p 12 sq, Predikan hållen…d 18 Mars 1828…, Predikan hållen…d 1 October 1828, Predikan…den 28 febr. 1831, Vid dödsfången…utförande den 13 sept 1831 1958:7LiSB, Hylander 1805 p 121 sqq, Psilander 1818 p 14, Wrangel 1825, Holmgren 1829. 307 Letter from Nils Anders Alin to Samuel Fredrik Wibohm 10 September 1801 OIVb Jönköpings Sofia kyrkoarkivVaLA. 308 Visby 1838a p 66 and Visby 1838b p 737 sqq. 309 Visby 1838a p 75 sq. 97