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the explanations of the acts cases. From the 1820’s the courts in many countries also generally came to adhere to and follow the diagnosis of the psychiatrists.910 Thus an example of this development comes from Sweden where a significant change occurred in 1826. ARoyal letter of March 9th 1826 stated that in cases concerning the possible non-accountability of an accused due to insanity, physicians and the collegium of health, the highest medical authority in the country, were to be consulted. Thus, the medical profession clearly was given the power to judge the state of mind of the accused instead of courts or clergy.911 Not directly related to the Royal letter, but showing its significance was the case concerning Johan Petter Åhlberg. His sentence was confirmed and the application for mercy was rejected November 24th 1825, but the execution would not happen until November 1st 1827, almost two years later. The case reached its judicial conclusion through the decision September 13th 1827 that a date for the execution of Åhlberg was to be set. Several priests had tried to prepare him. They were unanimous. It was impossible. Åhlberg was confused, unbalanced, had a weak mind, and was heterodox. The local bishop, Carl Fredrik af Wingård of Gothenburg, also visited Åhlberg and supported his priests. Wingård also suggested that Åhlberg not was dangerous, he had not killed intentionally, he should be imprisoned rather that executed. All physicians consulted, however, disagreed and found him sane and their view prevailed.912 910 Foucault 1981 p 404, 410 sq, Foucault 2003 p 102, 110 sqq. 911 Statsrådsprotokoll i justitieärende 9 March 1826 and the letter by Seraphimerordens Gillet 30 November 1825 in utslagshandlingar 9 March 1826 NJrARAS. Royal letter inSFS 1826 nr 33 p 561 sq, Qvarsell 1993 p 87 sq, Lavett 2022 p 80 sq. 912 Concerning the case of Åhlberg see Wedberg 1935 p 233 sqq, Bergman 1996 p 166 sq. The final decision concerning Åhlberg in Statsrådsprotokoll i justitieärende 13 September 1827 NJrARAS. See also letter by Peter Emanuel Rhedin 3 January 1826, letter by Peter Andreas Rhodin 13 July 1826, letter by Magnus Roempke 14 November 1826, letter by Lars Börgesson 15 December 1826, letter by Carl Fredrik af Wingård, J Johansson, and Lars Börgesson 18 December 1826, letter by Carl Fredrik af Wingård 21 December 1826, letter by J Johansson 7 April 1827, and letter by Carl Fredrik af Wingård and Lars Börgesson 7 April 1827 in utslagshandlingar 13 September 1827NJrARAS; see also note 18 December 1826 K13:bUUB. 256