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a mostly german debate on conversion and salvation sence of a priest, but the authorities could make other regulations in order to fight superstition, for example forbid the bringing of a crucifix to the scaffold.758 If the delinquent was not fully prepared to change his ways and to carry no bad feelings to his judges or executioner the Absolution had no value. Even then, however, it was dubious as the chained delinquent could do no acts of love.759 Thus Ecker und Eckhoffen agreed with Steinbart in questioning salvation when there was no time for the actions needed to work towards sanctification. He also suggested that some delinquents deliberately showed no signs of conversion and repentance in order to postpone their executions.760 For others, especially among those in the crowd seeing courageous, happy, and pious delinquents, the executed was a martyr and the longing for the preparation to such a death made many Christians to murderers.761 If the authorities were convinced that the presence of the clergy in a specific case would increase the risk for murder it was their responsibility before God to limit it.762 Sohecontinues, and finds that Sturm is a good man while Goeze is a failure. It is however hard to find specific argument in this text that gives an impression of emotion and anger. The anonymous pamphlet Was sind Joh. Melchior Goezen Gewissenhafte Erinnerungen? zu der Schrift: Ueber die Gewohnheit, Missethäter durch Prediger zur Hinrichtung begleiten zu lassenwas very critical of and rather harsh towards Goeze. He was a pharisee, worse than the one in the temple. He was a killer, opening the prisons and releasing murderers.763 In the anonymous booklet Was ist von der Gewohnheit zu halten, Missethäter zur Hinrichtung durch Prediger begleiten zu lassen? the focus as for several others is on the impression given by the execution. The clergy should prepare the condemned well, but not be present. The example of Hamburg should be followed. Hymns and other pious actions should also be abolished because of the risk that somebody sees the solemn and 758 Ecker und Eckhoffen 1784 p 139 sq. 759 Ecker und Eckhoffen 1784 p 45 sq. 760 Ecker und Eckhoffen 1784 p 95 sq, 126. 761 Ecker und Eckhoffen 1784 p 115, 118. 762 Ecker und Eckhoffen 1784 p 135. 763 Was sind 1784 p 2 sqq, see also Lk 18:9-14. 208