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a mostly german debate on conversion and salvation of God.726 Concerning conversion for Rasche, the situation and one’s state at the moment of death is decisive, until then conversions are possible. Therefore, the clergy were necessary on the scaffolds.727 Rasche also differed from Steinbart in his assertion that it was healthy to witness a victorious death. Such experiences could bring about awakening, gratitude towards God, and strengthen faith.728 Any priest trying to influence the condemned to show herself low-spirited and doing penance abuses his position and duty. No such behaviour is demanded by Jesus.729 Rasche also a short time earlier had given a speech, Von dem Eindruck, den die Hinrichtung eines freudig Sterbenden in den Zuschauern machen soll, at an execution, where he used the executed as an example in such aspects as confidence in the mercy of God and longing to be in the company of angels near Christ.730 Others were rather close to the position of Steinbart. One of them was the professor of theology Johann Peter Miller. According to him the execution should deter those watching it, and that was to be done through the condemned, through her agony and fear for death. Some, probably those deemed unrepentant, should not be accompanied by priests. No sermons were to be given, and only songs about repentance and the last judgement were to be sung. Printed accounts portraying the executed as saved should also be prohibited.731 Could anybody go further than Steinbart? Moritz Adolph von Winterfeld and the priest Wilhelm Friedrich Gerken tried. 726 Rasche 1770b p 6, 38, 53 sqq, 66. ”Das Geschäfte des Predigers besonders in Gefängnissen, setzt die Errettung der Seele des Sünders und deren Begnadigung bey Gott sich zum Haupt Zweck.” (Quotation p 66). 727 Rasche 1770b p 30 sqq, 58. ”Da bleibt der Baum liegen, wie er fällt und nur die Todten sind seelig, die im Herrn sterben.” (Quotation p 58). 728 Rasche 1770b p 7 sq, also p 17 sq, 36, 67 sq. 729 Rasche 1770b p 62. 730 Rasche 1770a p 28 sq; see also p 31 sq and Rasche 1770b p 3. 731 Miller 1774 p 206 sqq.”Ja, ich muß gestehen, daß ich lieber Todesangst, als Heldenmuth an solchen, die zur Warnung öffentlich sterben sollen, sehe.” (Quotation p 206). Miller had also earlier suggested that the songs chosen would give the executions its character and objected to sermons at the execution, Miller 1770 p 499 sq. 202