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a mostly german debate on conversion and salvation ther in consolation.717 Steinbart and Renthe came to continue their debate focusing on the subject of conversion.718 The priest Christian Wilhelm Oemler was very positive towards the book of Renthe and emphasised the duty of the priest to support the condemned until the final moment.719 Also the government carried the duty to do everything for the salvation of the condemned during investigation, imprisonment, and trial.720 It was also their duty to arrange the presence of priests all the way to the scaffold.721 A Christian government could hardly forbid visits or the accompanying of the delinquent by the priest, but if it happened Oemler did not know what he himself would do.722 The sternest attack on Steinbart came inEs ist nöthig jeden Missethäter durch Geistliche zum Tode vorbereiten und zur Hinrichtung begleiten zu lassen by the priest Johann Christoph Rasche. His view was that Steinbart put the welfare of the state above the salvation of criminals, and he condemned with harsh words the book as containing new ideas that for example were heathen, unbiblical, and blasphemous.723 The suggestions of Steinbart were also not suitable to deter anybody from murder in order to be executed. The insane who has decided to travel the hardest road to eternity cannot be deterred.724 The government has aright to punish, but it lacks both the right and the power to send anybody to hell. If it does, it and those giving such advises, will themselves meet judgement and punishment in the eternal world.725 For Rasche another priority stands at the top, the salvation by God of the sinners. It defines the duties of a priest and it is an honour to deliver a soul from the scaffold to the angels 717 Renthe 1769 p 48 sq, 68, 73 sq, 95 sqq, 99 sq. 718 Steinbart 1770 and Renthe 1771. 719 Oemler 1775 p 79 sqq. 720 Oemler 1775 p 102 sqq. See also Miller 1774 p 189 sqq about the duty of the government to provide for the condemned a priest according to her wish and confession. 721 Oemler 1775 p 106. 722 Oemler 1775 p 127 sqq ”Geschähe es aber wirklich, und es wären alle gegründete Vorstellungen umsonst, so muß ich es bekennen, ich weiß nicht, wie ich ein solches Verfahren, ohne der Ehrerbietung der Obrigkeit zu nahe zu treten, nennen sollte.” (Quotation p 128). 723 Rasche 1770b passim and e g p 11, 23, 25, 31, 58 sqq. 724 Rasche 1770b p 19. ”Schauer und Bangigkeit wurden nur den Wahnwitztigen nicht befallen, wenn er sich selbst den beschwerlichten Weg zur Ewigkeit wehlen wollte.” 725 Rasche 1770b p 55 sq. 201