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different realities and reactions describes the execution Strohm had seen. Preceded by the cross, as in ecclesiastical processions, and while a choir of schoolchildren sang, the condemned arrived at the scene of execution accompanied by two priests. Then speeches were given, probably one of them the reading of the sentence, Kaltofen made his confession and was absolved, and the execution took place. Jaspis acknowledge it had the character of a celebration, although he seeks to weaken it, for example calling Kaltofen a ”lebendinge Leiche”.505 Adolf von Schaden instead focus on the visual and how the celebration was illustrated in the clothing of Kaltofen.506 According to the proposed criminal code for Bavaria of 1810 authored by Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach anybody committing murder in order to be executed instead was to be imprisoned.507 The complexity of the situation in Germany is also illustrated by a thorough study of Southwestern Germany and especially Württemberg up to the early years of the nineteenth century by Gerhard Fritz, in which he states that decisions of less severity in punishments were reached by religious considerations, such as the duke consulting theologians, and not as result of the Enlightenment. Fritz also judges the Hamburg legislation of 1784 as news from another world, from the perspective of Württemberg.508 And in early nineteenth–century Württemberg the speech at the execution was prescribed in law.509 However, also in Southwestern Germany cases of children being murdered by persons seeking to be executed existed.They have been found by Margaret Brannan Lewis in studyinterpretations we can mention that according to Falret 1822 p 85 sq she belonged to a sect and showed no remorse, only joy, in the hope of soon being united with Jesus. 505 Jaspis 1822 p 53, 65, ’living corpse’ (quotation p 53). 506 ”Der arme Sünder war in ein weißes, mit schwarzen Schleisen verziertes fantastisches Gewand gekleidet. Zu Fuße, langsam und feierlich, begleitet von zwei würdigen Priestern in Amtskleidung wurde Kaltofen Morgens gegen zehn Uhr nach dem ziemlich weit vom Thore entfernten Richtstätte geführt, auf welcher die eigentliche Hinrichtung noch einigermaßen verzögert und dem Verurtheilten zu beten und an das Volk zu sprechen verstattet blieb.” Schaden 1822 p 63 sq. 507 Feuerbach 1810 art 12: ”Die verwirkte Todesstrafe soll in Kettenstrafe verwandlet werden, wenn erwiesen ist, daß der Verbrecher blos in der Absicht, hingerichtet zu werden, die That verübt haben.” 508 Fritz 2004 p 829. 509 Reyscher 1839 p 476 (Royal Order given May 1st 1816§13). 144