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different realities and reactions Anton Friedrich Büsching states that the initiative came from Ernst Friedemann von Münchhausen, who at least since 1766 was the leading man of the Oberconstitorium, as aresult of Büsching presentingIst es rathsam Missethäter durch Geistliche zum Tode vorbereiten und zur Hinrichtung begleiten zu lassen?, a book written by Gotthelf Samuel Steinbart, and another, probably not printed, text to Münchhausen in the Oberconstitorium of Berlin.459 This suggestion is problematic in at least two ways. The work of preparation of the ordinance was already under way, and it was unlikely that Münchhausen had not himself received a copy of a book dedicated to him.460 However Steinbart himself a few years later claimed that he had had the written support of some of the greatest theologians in Berlin when he wrote his book, thereby making it probable that Büsching was correct in that a connection existed, although the work on the ordinance had started earlier.461 In 1825 two other suggestions were launched. Knauth proposed that Voltaire could have had with the idea to do, influencing Friedrich, while Leberecht Siegmund Jaspis rejected that proposal and instead wrote that a certain Rabenhorst was responsible.462 Knauth however also commented on the ordinance of 1765 that he was convinced that had acourageous, honourable theologian stood up to the king, he would have restricted its use to a few cases, but nobody dared.463 The discussion mainly seems to have focused on the question of who did influence the king, but the comment of Knauth sends us directly to the king, as does also another story of Bastian that Knauth has given us. It displays a callous attitude from king Friedrich, prompted by fear. In 1768 a soldier behaved very aggressively, probably because of insanity, near and in the river with the king watching from a window of the palace. 458 Schmidt 1914 p 30 sq, Preuß 1833 p 241, and Hippel 1838 p 91 (from a letter from Hippel to Johann George Scheffner 5 July 1769): ”Dieser Streit ist durch ein Anschreiben von Hofe an alle Justiz-Collegia veranlaßt, ob nicht die Abthuung schrecklich gemacht werden könnte, ohne den geistl. Trost zu rauben.” 459 Büsching 1788 p 249, 545 sq. 460 Steinbart 1769 p 3 sq. 461 Steinbart 1772 pIV. 462 Knauth 1825a p 40, Knauth 1825b p 23 sq, Jaspis 1825 p 9. 463 Knauth 1825b p 31. 135