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It has been many years since I have been an attending participant in the academic environment of the universities, but research and knowledge luckily see no boundaries so where Iwork now there is an advanced academic environment primarily through Melanie and Christian von Goldbeck who also have read and given numerous suggestions. Despite my many years away from the university environment a number of readers there have given their views after reading my texts. First Sven-Erik Brodd read chapter five and later Anders Jarlert and Roddy Nilsson has read the full text. Finally and officially Kjell Å Modéer has read it leading to its approval for publication. So many good and often surprising suggestions have been given and some I have followed. Checking my English Charlotte Merton has also given me so many good suggestions. Sadly I have not followed them all. Those choices, as all choices, are my responsibility, so if you see bad English or other mistakes in this book they are all due to my stubbornness. When time arrived to wonder how an emerging text in a computer could be transformed into abook Claes Peterson has, during many phone calls, been positive, supportive, and hopeful. In the preparation and publication support have been given by the Olin foundation and the Pleijel foundation. For this I am truly grateful. As it generally is when publishing text in her other home field, natural sciences, the last name is of greatest importance, my wife IngridMaria. This book would never have been possible without her love and support in so many ways, also due to my disease hindering me, but here it is suitable to mention how her intellect proven by her double qualifications in theology and biology has on many more occasions that I can remember given me ideas and clues leading somewhere. Due to some unforeseen events I have done some, but not many, substantial additions or changes to this book since February 2022. Common in prefaces and very suitable in this case is to say that all faults are mine while to everybody else, named or not: Thank you! martin bergman, västervik, march 2024 preface 13