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summary report that he wrote which, among other things, deliberated on measures that gave scope for the interpretation that the administrative authorities should resemble the general courts. On the assignment of the Uppsala Faculty, Sundberg wrote a critical report in 1947 in which he advised against all measures that might attribute a judicial nature to administrative decisions. Herlitz’ proposal presented an imminent danger of administrative decisions being claimed to constitute an adjudication on legal issues, which would jeopardise civil rights and freedom. This reflected a deep legal political chasm and also that the tug of war between law and politics emerged even more clearly from the late 1940s. However then, as is often the case in legal history, this was not a simple question of black and white. 287 professorspolitik och samhällsförändring En rättshistorisk undersökning av den svenska förvaltningsrättens uppkomst 2