summary 359 it became important to implement these ideas and legal science came closer to the social reality in the discussions. There was not one explicit penal theoretical line that came into force in Sweden. Contemporarily, the Italian school (Sw. italienska skolan) affected the thought of prison ideology. In the pragmatic Swedish prison reforms ambiguous influences were shown from different preventive ideologies. Furthermore, there were authorities from divergent fields, which had an influence on the legal and the practical process of prison care and certain patterns can be distinguished as reasons for establishing the treatment model. Influences from foreign legal systems are important in the understanding of the legal development of the Swedish prison system. It is obvious that the Continental legal system has had a strong theoretical influence on the Swedish penal system, while the Anglo-American legal system mainly had pragmatic influence.The closeness of the Nordic countries is apparent in all fields of the investigation. The study shows that methods of treatment of offenders and the prison system went through continual change by practical means according to the offender’s situation as well as new legislation and theoretical ideas. Epoch making, pragmatic ideas were shaped in experimental work in the prisons in Continental Europe but the systems were developed further in the Anglo-American prison culture.Thereafter, the disorderly locations for offenders were successively replaced with the cell system. A strong religious feature remained during the following decades, illustrated by the idea of the solitary system in the cells. The intention to rehabilitate offenders, based on the individual preventive theory, has a history that is somewhat difficult to grasp. In this chapter the background is described through five important stages. Imprisonment is studied during selected periods of time from a theoretical and legal perspective. First of all, the influence of religion on the offenders is evident. Incarceration occurred in the late Middle Ages for those waiting for corpo3 mode l s of i mp r i s onme nt f rom f ore i gn l e gal systems 4 deve lopme nt of i ncarc e rat i on unt i l swe de n b e came a we l fare state