f äng e l s et s om vä l f ä rd s bygg e 358 Service. Finally, the aim is to generate a theory of the treatment model’s influences in the field examine.To fulfill that aim a comprehensive analysis and evaluation is done regarding the conditions given to rehabilitate prisoners and, if so, to which extent; a presumptive reality gap between ideals and ambitions. Traditional legal sources have been studied. The three studies originate mainly from Strafflagberedningen’s archives and material from the National prison register, which has never been accessed for a research of this kind in the past.The methods used in the first two studies are based on traditional means. However the last study is based on cross-referenced scientific methods (Sw. tvärvetenskapliga metoder).The study of the National prison register is inspired by grounded theory. In this revised edition Kathy Charmaz’s work is used to deepen the scientific and methodological discussion. Methodologically the intention is that grounded theory should lead to generate a theory. In this chapter theoretical penal ideas, which are directly linked to Swedish prison care, are studied. Based on a descriptive study of key events up to the 1930s, the aim is to review this system in an international legal and historical perspective. Particular interest is taken from a viewpoint on the leading penal principles behind the prison systems in the continental law.The purpose of penalties has changed over time and a final explanation of penal principles is not found. In a historical context, explanations are found in the general structure of changes in society: economical, theological, political and social. Important theoretical explanations to justify imprisonment and the character of prison penalties are looked at from the Law of Nature to the Age of Enlightenment when imprisonment took on a more significant role. Focus is on the development during the reform at the turn of the twentieth century, especially the development connected to the Sociological school (Sw. sociologiska skolan). Due to the sociological ideology and legal political movements part 1 Prison care in an international and historical context 2 l ead i ng p e nal p r i nc i p l e s f or two hundre d year s