thus logically prior to the theoretical judgment.200 This is where Hägerström, according to Fries, breaks free from critique, for in Hägerström’s analysis, the context of reality’s spatio-temporal objectivity does not constitute a conclusion (as Marc-Wogau argues), but is a condition for the potential premiss that one’s existence is real, rather than imagined. 201 When Hägerström refuses to accept Descartes’ Cogito as a proper exponent for the epistemological dilemma, he simultaneously reformulates the question from a question regarding the subjective certainty of knowledge into a question regarding the objective certainty of knowledge. But, which specific principle leads to objectively valid knowledge? Hägerström answers: the principle of identity,202 for this principle alone allows us to infer in an objective manner, as it expresses the essence of reality - self-identity. In addition, if the principle of identity expresses reality, then knowledge of what is real, be it of formal structures or material objects, necessarily expresses that very principle. Because any type of judgment contradicting the law of contradictions expresses nothing but a contradiction, which is no expression of identity. Consequently, the contradictory judgment lacks correspondence with reality, and the contradictory judgment thus does not express objectively real, true knowledge.203 From an ontological point of view, Hägerström argues that it is meaningless to ask how the subject can support the reality of a real object (which is the very question asked by ontological subjectivism).204 According to ontological subjectivism, a thing is real by virtue of its being thought of by a (specific) subject. In a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 97 200 See, e.g., Part II, Chapter 3.2. 201 Fries, Verklighetsbegreppet, p. 528. 202 Cf. Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, pp. 2-3. 203 Cf. Hägerström, “Hägerström.”; “The Philosophy of Axel Hägerström.” 204 Fries, Verklighetsbegreppet, p. 230. 3. 3. 5 re statement of the e p i stemolog ical di lemma: the princi ple of ident i ty