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is important to distinguish between the specific thought, the concept, the mental act itself and its content. Because a thought is a thought, and as such it exists as a specific mental act adducible to a certain object - the subject. No matter how inconsistent a thought may be it is still a real object, a specific thought.And the inner inconsistency of the thought will only affect adversely the objective and independent reality of the content of the thought itself. By analogy, the specific idea “A equals non-A” is as such real and existing, but false and lacking real content. One immediate consequence of Hägerström’s rejection of idealism was the development of the Uppsala School’s most prominent feature, anti-subjectivism.174 The actual development of the Uppsala School’s anti-subjectivistic standpoint, with regard to when and why, and by whom, it was initiated has been discussed extensively.175 There are several descriptions of the Uppsala School’s development of an anti-subjectivistic standpoint, but it is perhaps most accurately described by Professor Konrad MarcWogau, who held its birth to be the result of the combined efforts of the Uppsala philosophers Axel Hägerström, Karl Hedvall (1873-1918) and Adolf Phalén (1884-1931).176 According to MarcWogau’s account, it was Hedvall and Hägerström that initiated a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 89 3. 3 ant i -subj ect ivi sm 1908 and 1929 174 Anti-subjectivism being the most appropriate term to use when discussing the Uppsala School’s philosophy. In Festskrift tillägnad E. O. Burman (1910), the Uppsala philosophers Axel Hägerström, Adolf Phalén, and Karl Hedvall contributed with papers discussing, among other things, the fallacies of subjectivism and subjectivistic thinking, while Harry Meurling discussed Kant’s formal logic. 175 Especially during the 1930s and1940s. E.g., Oxenstierna, Vad är Uppsalafilosofien?, pp. 3-4; Hedenius, “Om Hägerströms filosofi,”Tiden: socialdemokratisk ide- och debatttidskrift 32 (1940): pp. 37-39; Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, pp. 65-81; Nordin, Från Hägerström till Hedenius: den moderna svenska filosofin, pp. 52-54;“Hägerström, Phalén och metafysiken,” inInsikt och handling: humanistiskt debattforum, pp.160162. Nietsche’s possible influences upon Hägerström’s theory of values, has also become the subject of discussion. Ruin,“Hägerström, Nietzsche och den svenska nihilismen,” Tidskrift för politisk filosofi 4 (2000); “Replik till Sven Danielsson,”Tidskrift för politisk filosofi 4 (2000); Danielsson, “Hägerström, Nietzsche och Hans Ruin,” Tidskrift för politisk filosofi 4 (2000). 176 Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, pp. 65-81.