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tails that both the epistemological subject and the equivalent object must be related to one another and placed in a logically nonexcluding relationship, which brings us back to the theory of correspondence. Hägerström’s problem was a Gordian knot of philosophy, entwining epistemology and ontology. If he could resolve it, the prize was certain object knowledge. However, if the knot remained tied, it would hinder the union of philosophy and science, and open theway for epistemological nihilism thus making philosophy dispensable to science in general, a concern to which Hägerström gave voice in Botanisten och filosofen where the empiricist asks: “Of what concern is to us modern thinkers a philosophy that transcends experience? ‘Quid Saulus inter prophetas’?”135 According to Hägerström’s analysis this problem was created by the uncritical postulates of idealism and realism, according to which epistemology and ontology were identified with one another. Hägerström sees only one possible solution to the problem.The Gordian knot must be undone through an act of force; a quick and decisive cut down the middle. In other words, his revolution also involved an emphasis of the fact that philosophy is made up of epistemology and ontology, which can only be pursued successfully separately.136 Many of the problems in the history of philosophy appear to have been caused by the inability, or even worse, the unwillingness, to make a mental distinction between the object matters of epistemology and ontology.137 Accordingly, these problems can only be solved through the introduction, as well as the rigid maintenance, of a principle of distinction separating the epistemological investigation from the ontological,138 and where investigations concerning the nature of a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 77 135 Hägerström,“Botanisten och filosofen,” inFilosofi och vetenskap, p. 39.My translation. Swedish: “Vad angår oss moderna en filosofi som går over all erfarenhet? ‘Quid Saulus inter prophetas’?” 136 Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 7. 137 Ibid. 138 See Silverbark, Fysikens filosofi: diskussioner om Einstein, relativitetsteorin och kvantfysiken i Sverige 1910-1970, pp. 127-129.