i n d e x 688 344-346, 367, 390, 438, 482, 541, 551- 552, 568, 578, 608, 614; & reason, 301, 437, 438, 590, 593; rebirth of, 639; restricted practicality, 306; superstructure to law, 484; scientific character of, 650; theory, 282, 301-314, 326-328, 346, 357358, 401-403, 409, 417, 430, 437, 482, 559, 565, 573-578, 589, 593-598, 603, 608, 612, 620, 639-640, 645, 650 naturalis obligatio, 567 naturalis ratio, 410, 411 nefas, 567 Nehrman-Ehrenstråle, David (16951769), 293, 316, 375, 396-397, 404 n, 414-415, 596 nihilism: (in philosophical discourses), 39, 48, 50, 51-55, 71, 77, 80, 98, 104, 140, 149, 153, 157, 183, 197, 206, 207, 239, 241, 289, 324; axiological, 98, 197, 207, 241, 289; epistemological, 48, 51, 55, 71, 77, 140, 157, 183, 239; practical, 206-207 nominalism, 147, 156, 195 non-statute law, 372, 538, 547-549 Nordin, Svante, 42, 90, 156-157, 171 norm-theory, 486 Norway, 42, 43 noumena, 47, 69, 70, 71, 238, 266, 482 nulla poena sine lege, 480, 485, 493, 496, 512, 556, 654 Nyander, Esther (1872-1957), 44 objects: absolute, 223, 224, 590; - dependent, 58, 72, 85, 95, 526; eternal and absolute, 590; exterMünsterberg, Hugo (1863-1916), 253-255 mutuum, 410 mystical, 293, 357, 361, 384, 485, 490, 494, 499, 548-549; powers, 394 Napoleonic wars, 42, 604 nation, 43, 63, 329, 567, 604, 619 natural law, 295, 299, 307, 313, 357, 386, 390, 397, 404, 412, 415, 552, 566, 568-569, 572-577, 581, 583, 586-592, 595, 605608, 614, 645, 648; alternative to legal positivism, 639; authority of, 306, 594; Classical, 309310, 330, 360, 397, 402, 404, 408, 413, 419, 491; critique of, 300, 302, 438, 463, 587, 589, 608, 645, 648; deductivity of, 585; definition of, 326, 482, 589,646; doctrine of, 313-314, 404-405, 596; epistemological dismissal, 612; & epistemology, 572-573; & existence, 590; hierarchy, 595; immutable principles of, 566; intrinsic validity, 612; & jurisprudential productivity, 584; justification of positive law, 437; law of nature, 304, 306, 410, 574, 576, 591, 596; law of reason, 397, 605, 648; legacy, 407; & legal philosophy, 612; material content of, 437; mediaeval, 575, 578; & natural reason, 410, 569, 572; normative priority, 303, 304, 569; objective, 294; & politics, 483; & positive law, 359, 584, 596; primary and secondary rules of, 574; rational law, 294, 296, 301, 320, O N