RB 65

a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 683 the incognizable, 36, 53; insight, 578; legal, 32, 457, 528, 531, 542, 545-546, 561, 578-579, 615; material, 114, 591; objective, 48-54, 58, 63-64, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 135-136, 142, 150, 153, 156, 158-159, 175, 185, 209-212, 216-218, 222, 253, 255, 280-283, 578, 641, 643; objectivity of, 49-57, 64, 161; ontological, 64; philosophical, 115, 431, 457; qualified, 590; qualified legal, 32, 561, 579; rational, 51; & science, 27, 156, 233; scientific; definition of, 644; secure foundation for, 69; synthesis of, 59, 123, 133; synthetic, 58-60, 65-74, 114, 119-120, 128, 131, 141, 149, 158, 176, 238; synthetic a priori, 59-60, 67, 114, 128; systematic and contextual, 615; theoretical and scientific, 253; theory of, 61, 113-118, 165, 183; total, 436; transcendent, 138, 642-643; transcendent (impossibility of), 228; true, 641; value of, 255 Krabbe, Hugo (1857-1936), 345 lagutskottet, 300, 510 Lasalle, Ferdinand (1825-1864), 303-304 law: academic, 562; acts of, 386, 468, 498; actual (positive or real law), 294, 296, 467, 586; & authority, 623; autonomy of, 623; binding power, 272, 302, 312-316, 326, 337, 381, 399403, 411, 415, 428, 466, 498, 501, 569-571, 581, 625; complete system (fiction of), 373; concept of, 102, 206, 429, 434, 443-445, 452, 490, 521, 531532, 539, 558, 568, 586, 611, 632, 638; conclusions and findings of, 422, 509-510, 517, 524-525, 538, 540, 548, 611; consciousness of, 318, 322, 344, 366, 367, 368, 369, 420, 491, 616; constitution, 63, 306, 317, 338-339, 350, 437, 466-467, 499, 549, 653, 654; definitions of, 341-342, 346, 372, 387390, 433, 443, 535, 568; dualistic notions, 438; empirical and dogmatic studies of, 651; empirical investigation of, 443; & equity, 536; essence of, 412; & ethical and social considerations, 355, 535, 541; ethical justification of, 501; explanation (psychological), 383; facts of, 296, 308, 386, 397, 406, 453, 521, 620; formal definitions of, 341, 387; general principles of, 335, 521; historical category, 28, 607; history of, 28, 31-34, 396, 528, 544, 561, 607, 648; incompleteness of, 515; in force, 285, 360, 539; investigation of, 652; & legal concepts, 377; legislator’s will, 372, 550; loopholes, 352, 439, 554-555; machinery of, 383; making of, 379, 391; Marxist analysis of, 305; material of, 613, 626; metaphysics of, 130, 240, 300, 306, 319, 356, 359, 389, 561, 620; monism, 578, 608; objective law, 475, 551-552, 637, 646; ontology of, 318, 608; philosophical analysis and investigation of, 156, 301, 431, L