a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 681 121-123, 131; scientific ideal, 540; theory of, 114 industrialism, 307 infinite regress, 54, 178, 254, 263, 437 inheritance, law of, 605 iniuria, 401 injury, 474-475; suffering, 470-471, 488 injustice, 479, 502 insight, 239, 444, 578, 591, 609 Institutes, 577 Interessenjurisprudenz, 32, 633-636 interests: class-, 366; communal, 368; epistemological, 215; in society, 322, 366; & judgments, 242; & knowledge, 242; legally protected, 346; of law, 634; public, 352, 371; social, 366, 494; special, 368, 369 internal view (& norms), 213, 284, 285 international law, 379, 437, 443, 445, 567, 589; interpretatio analogica, 584 interpretation: & application, 512513, 526, 541, 555-556, 559, 587, 636; canons of, 293; canons of (enumerated), 617; clarification, 582; doctrine of, 527, 536, 603, 617, 631; e contrario, 556; evaluative elements, 635; exegesis, 24, 533, 541, 556, 615, 631; extensive, 536, 556; grammatical, 355, 525, 533, 553-555; hermeneutics, 615; historical, 371, 388, 607, 536, 636; & lawyers, 546; literal, 525-526, 529-530, 533, 536, 554-555; logically closed activity, 529; logically open activity, 529, 558; monistic doctrine, 529; objective, 371, 533; objective teleology, 371; of law, 479, 529, 554, 582; of statutes, 371, 374, 494, 512, 525-531, 536-537, 541, 547, 550-552, 557-559, 603, 617, 631, 635; real facts of, 370; restrictive, 536, 556; subjective, 371, 533, 553; subjective teleology, 371; systematic, 536; teleological, 251, 371, 512, 529-531, 557; teleology, 635; intersubjectivity, 222, 283 intuition, 86, 146, 208, 573 “Is Saul also …”, 294 Italy, 577 iurisconsuls, 571 ius: civile, 385-386, 393, 409-412, 567, 569-571; commune, 588; gentium, 385, 403, 409-412, 566-571, 580-581, 588; municipale, 588; naturale, 385, 403-405, 410-413, 566-571, 577-581, 595; naturale (redivivum), 639; non scriptum, 588; positivum, 578, 588; proprium, 566, 575; publicum, 567; scriptum, 588 iusta causa, 451 Jellinek, George (1851-1911), 345, 368 Jhering, Rudolf von (1818-1892), 346, 362, 454, 619-635 judgments: analytic, 59, 60, 185; contradictory, 97; empirical, 60; hypothetical, 453; moral, 244, 269; practical, 246, 250; reality, 63, 69, 228; synthetic, 59, 119; synthetic a posteriori, 60, 78; synthetic a priori, 48, 60, 129, J