RB 65

a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 679 ethics, 113-114, 171, 180, 207, 243, 250, 254, 286, 289, 304, 577, 592, 638 evaluating moral subject, 275 evaluation, 250, 282, 455, 513, 553, 635, 636; vs. explanation, 495 evidence, law of, 605 evolution, 60, 182; moral principle, 263-265 existence: indirect, 197; judgment of, 219, 220; objective reality, 87; physical, 47, 382 experience: inner, 225, 226; & values, 247 explanations (scientific), 25, 336, 362, 392, 495, 506, 551 facts: & concepts, 169, 311; extrinsic facts, 100; legal, 337, 386-387, 417, 419, 422-428, 447-454, 456, 460, 467-468, 479, 504, 506-507, 516-517, 521-523, 528, 551, 559, 620, 631; objective, 75, 203, 246, 280, 308, 351, 434 factual regularity, 59, 178 fantasies, 395 fas, 393, 566, 567 faultless wrong, 473 feudalism, 258 Feuerbach, Paul Johann Anselm von (1775-1833), 488 Fichte, Johan Gottlieb (1762-1814), 44-45, 436, 613 fictions, 95, 303, 334, 354, 358, 373, 380-383, 390, 392, 434, 439, 456, 458, 478, 513, 520, 534539, 545, 547, 550-551, 559, 636; ideal person/abstract Monarch, 381; in verification, 381; legal, 334, 434, 456; systematic completeness of law, 636; will-theory, 547 Finite, the, 251, 252 Finland, 42, 43, 207, 340 formalism, 71, 285, 355, 376, 446, 564, 589, 629; conceptual, 71 France, 606, 609 fraud, 44, 507-514, 520-523, 654, 655; non-disclosure, 507-508, 521; omissions, 507; -ulent conduct, 507-510, 515, 520-523, 654; -ulent non-disclosure, 507509, 512, 514, 520-523, 654 Freirechtsschule, 636-637 Fries, Martin (1898-1969), 45, 7980, 96-97 Gaius (2nd century ad), 404 Galileo, Galilei (1564-1642) 66 gällande rätt, geltendes Recht, see valid law general welfare and safety, 559 genus and species, 101, 117-118, 619, 623 genus proximum, 619, 623 geometry, 70, 73; concepts in, 140, 166, 193, 196-197; scientific ideal of law, 597 Gerber, Friedrich (1823-1891), 621, 625, 627 Gierke, Otto von (1841-1921), 345 Glossators, 577 God, 41, 162, 251, 268, 272, 325, 327, 341, 573, 578, 596 Greece, 293, 568 Greek law, 563 Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645), 272 n, 404 n, 413, 416, 581 Grundnorm, 535-538, 638; Stufenbau, 536 F G