RB 65

a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 675 legal, 130, 309, 422, 517-518, 538, 556, 558, 599, 611; legal and political, 518; philosophical, 199; scientific,126, 168-169, 180-181, 207, 241, 244-245, 281-282, 290, 509511, 523, 609, 630, 655; scientific and political, 509; teleological, 556; transcendental, 128, 129 Aristotle (384-322), 111-124, 176, 575, 577 astronomy, 60, 66-68, 74-75 Aurelius, Marcus (121-180 ad), 568 authority: external, 272, 548; internal, 548, 622; jurisprudence, 297, 354, 422, 425, 509-524, 582, 585, 649; natural law, 306, 592-596; non-statute law, 548; scientific, 354, 422, 517, 585, 630 Babeuf, François-Noël (1760-1797), 304 n bankruptcy, 261 Begriffsjurisprudenz, 32, 309, 355356, 388, 408, 423, 430, 441, 444-446, 454, 460-463, 478, 516, 529-537, 558, 564, 618636; & anatomy, medicine, physics, chemistry, 625-626; analysis, 628; basic elements, 625- 626, 632; characteristics, 529; conceptual kinships, 626; doctrinal validity, 627; höhere Jurisprudenz, 621-627; Inversionsmethode, 423, 516, 624; law-making; conceptual, 626; mathematical notion of legal science, 632; naturhistorische Methode, 621-628; Rechtskörper, 626-628; Scandinavian legal theory, 461; & scientific autonomy, 627; systematic understanding of law, 618; & valid law, 630 Bergbohm, Karl (1849-1929), 430431, 443-444, 534, 545 Bible, 431, 576, 577, 578 Bierling, Ernst Rudolf (1841-1919), 443 Binding, Karl (1841-1920), 467, 484-493, 496, 502 Bjarup, Jes, 29 n, 60 n, 72 n, 73 n, 75 n, 80-81, 159, 163, 207 n, 259, 260, 324 n, 529 n, 614 n Boström, Christopher Jacob (17971866), 39-46, 84, 246, 250253, 306, 335, 469 n Botanist, the, 175-183, 195 Brentano, Franz (1838-1917), 246 Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600), 66 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (bgb), 414, 600; §§ 118-119 (on error), 414 Burman, Erik Olof (1845-1929), 40, 44, 200 Canonists, 577 capitalism, 258 case law, 285, 298, 333, 352, 371373, 440, 477, 511, 518, 527, 532, 539-542, 5498-550, 599, 605, 617, 638, 649-650 casus, 504 causa sui, 338, 452, 491 causality: in law, 453, 578; legal, 387, 419, 426-428, 447-449, 453456, 459-460, 463, 559, 578, 631; natural, 448, 453-456; rules, 136; supernatural vs. natural, 268; various types, 420 cause: & effect, 586; efficient, 117, 412; B C