a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 674 Index animism, 376, 385-387, 450, 563; & metaphysics, 450 anthropomorphic, 78, 226, 335, 494, 500, 504, 513; -ation of reality, 202; -ation of society, 494; construction of reality, 226; epistemology, 226; human thought, 225, 303; legal order, 500, 504; will of, 513 anti-: dogmatism, 45; idealism, 157; metaphysics, 132, 144, 316, 323; realistic, 90; subjectivism, 45-46, 87-91, 156-157, 159, 171, 175, 203, 238; voluntarism, 323 antinomies, 217, 304 apodictic: validity in jurisprudence, 592, 624, 629; knowledge, 82; synthetic knowledge, 72; truth, 63 aporias, 217, 304 application: analogous, 525, 536, 556, 631; contra legem, 637; e contrario, 525, 556; foreseeable and consistent, 551-553; & interpretation of law, 301, 312, 352, 355, 369, 426, 440, 461, 512-513, 526-559, 564, 566, 587, 617, 635-637; unjust, 555 argumentation: formal conditions, 18; hypothetical-deductive, 126; a posteriori, 70, 78, 101, 122-125, 129, 140-142, 155, 240, 285286, 452, 519, 555; normative, 286: synthetic, 58-62 a priori: cognition, 65-71; judgments, 59-60, 70; normative, 286; synthetic, 48, 59-60, 65, 70-71, 124, 129-130, 158, 171, 240 Absolute, the, 41, 139, 251, 252, 254, 291; & God, 41 actiones, 385, 399-402, 410, 416417, 451; civilis, 402; in personam, 400, 417; in rem, 417; rei vindicatio, 401, 406, 417 acts of law, 386, 468, 498 administration, 351, 521, 545, 604 aequitas, 374, 570-572, 582 aequum et bonum, 385-386, 410, 412 Afzelius, Ivar (1848-1923), 603 alieni iuris, 400 analogies, 74, 89, 101, 130, 217, 221, 234, 320, 332, 352, 453, 456, 515-516, 519-520, 525, 527, 536, 546, 550, 556, 563, 572, 631, 657; in criminal law (prohibition), 509, 515, 519, 522-523; to private law, 434 anarchism, 337, 366, 464, 552 animadversio, 394 A