that metaphysical realism opens up the way for epistemological subjectivity, subjectivism, which also constitutes the systematically superior concept of his philosophy, a concept that he also puts on a par with all possible forms of metaphysics. The purpose of his philosophy is thus to fight any such tendencies in science, wherever they might occur, and to replace them with valid judgments. Hägerström’s critique can be reduced to its basic element, namely a demand for purity in scientific reasoning.The very essence of his critique of law and jurisprudence has its origins in his basic logical philosophical outlook, which carries over into his definition of reality as being that which lacks contradictions.This demand for formal purity in the definition of reality also affects his definition of qualified knowledge - that is, science and scientific reasoning. Scientific knowledge is thus defined as a field of research in which the basic formal demands of man must invariably be observed. By this means, knowledge is defined as a judgment, which is a non-contradictory apprehension of some thing that is real. But Hägerström’s definition of reality does not imply that science must necessarily adhere to the material demands of natural science, since many branches of science do not have tangible things as their domain of research, but concern themselves with the formal preconditions to scientific research (which is a Kantian idea that applies to philosophy in particular, but which can also be applied to any dogmatic branch of science, such as law).The demand for reality in any scientific judgment is identical to a demand that the scientific premisses and conclusions, as well as methods of reasoning, are free from reality-nullifying contradictions in terms. And since philosophical and scientific demands interact with regard to reality, this entails that the scientific argument is subjected to severe restrictions, namely that any scientific conclusion refrains from wandering outp a r t v i i i 644 sci ent i f ic reasoning