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influenced by this tradition, and several of Hägerström’s main thoughts have their genesis in the neo-Boströmian ideas and teachings of Professors Carl Yngve Sahlin (1824-1917) and Erik Olof Burman (1845-1929). Among the ideas that Hägerström adopted from this tradition are included his fundamental logical point of view; the ideas of determinateness and self-identity; and the ideas of the self and the logical totality.16 Here Burman, Hägerström’s teacher, who influenced Hägerström into a more comprehensive study of philosophy, is of special interest.17 Hägerström’s characterization of metaphysics as an essentially subjectivistic trend, and his separation of epistemology from ontology, can for instance be found in Burman’s doctoral thesis Om kunskapens möjlighet (1872).18 In the mid-19th Century the Boströmian School of philosophy (also known asThe old Uppsala School of philosophy or Rational idealism) constituted the official Swedish ideology of state, which was due to the predominant position that philosophy (as taught by the mostly Boströmian corps of professors of philosophy) had in the academic curriculum of the Swedish universities of the time.19 During this period there hardly existed a civil servant of rank, priest, medical doctor, lawyer, scholar or other intellectual who had not studied at Uppsala or Lund, and who were not educated in the idealistic, and politically conservative, philosophy of Christopher Jacob Boström.20 p a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 1 40 16 Logren, Huvuddragen, pp. 6-9. 17 Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 1;Waller, Axel Hägerström: människan som få kände, pp. 56 and 79-80. 18 Burman, Om kunskapens möjlighet, pp. 8-20 and 31-32. 19 Nordin, Den Boströmska skolan och den svenska idealismens fall, pp. 11-12, 54, and 203; Frängsmyr, Svensk idéhistoria: bildning och vetenskap under tusen år 1809-2000, vol. 2: 1809-2000, p. 162. 20 Nordin, Boströmska skolan, pp. 11-12 and 203; Frängsmyr, Svensk idéhistoria 2, pp. 162164. 1. 1. 1 chri stophe r jacob boström’s rat ional ideal i sm