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that it serves a didactic purpose insofar as it compiles and structures the disparate issues addressed by Hägerström in his analyses of jurisprudence under two main issues of legal theory, natural law, and positive law.These are issues that on the one hand, follow one another chronologically, and on the other, constitute one another’s logical and causal opposites, denying what the other holds as being true as well as functioning as alternating historical reactions to one another. However, these issues will only be addressed from the scientific perspective insofar as they affect the practical status of the jurisprudential contribution to the sources of law.The direct political, ethical, and religious reasons why one theory of law and legal science has prevailed over the other will therefore only be referred to briefly, as any such analysis, strictly speaking, falls outside the scope of this inquiry. In the following parts of this work, Parts II Theoretical philosophy; III The Development after Das Prinzip derWissenschaft; and IVMoral Philosophy the intention is to briefly identify and describe the changes in Hägerström’s philosophy over the course of time.The purpose of this account is to establish inductively the leading principles of Hägerström’s philosophy and philosophical development, principles that will give a valid account of the philosophy of Hägerström after the idealistic and subjectivistic period of his (relative) youth.The plan is to use these principles as points of departure for the remainder of the investigation.The questions to be asked are these: Are there any common denominators in Hägerström’s philosophy? If so, what characterizes these common denominators? Since this part of the investigation has a predominantly philosophical dimension, the emphasis of these must be on a philosophical perspective.The purpose of the analysis in Parts II-IV is therefore to identify, depict, describe, and to give an account of those principles of Hägerström’s philosophy that the historically supported, but not guided, analysis will provide. a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 33 1. 5 gene ral plan