active like or dislike, and on account of the theoretical judgment’s non-evaluative nature the theoretical judgment per se, or taken by itself, is not sufficient in the discovery and determination objective values. All that can be concluded from the theoretical judgment is that an object is the subject of an observing agent’s like or dislike.21 For: Thus Hägerström concludes that no “primär värdering”, primary valuation, can adopt a purely subjective position, while the primary valuation simultaneously cannot be defined as an apprehension of the valued object - that is, the primary valuation is more than a pure observation of facts. This primary valuation consists of a peculiar relationship between a subjective position to an object and an apprehension of the same object, a relation that cannot consist only of a specific consciousness of a subjective position in relation to an object, as the consciousness of that which is cannot constitute a corresponding consciousness of value, namely that which ought to be. In addition, the relationship between a subjective position to an object and an apprehension of the same object cannot constitute a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 247 “Only if I critically examine a fact will it become of value to me. For this reason, we appear to return to our point of departure, that the value-experience itself, or the primary valuation, consists of a certain subjective relationship to the object, which precisely therefore must be present in, and at, the value-judgment for the same to gain any meaning at all.”22 2 . 1 “primär värde ring” - “primary valuat ion”- not only a subj ect ive pos i t ion, but also a form of a judgment 21 Hägerström, “Värdepsykologien,” pp. 61-62. See also Lang, Wertung und Erkenntnis: Untersuchungen zu Axel Hägerströms Moraltheorie, pp. 65-69. 22 Hägerström, “Värdepsykologien,” p. 62. My translation. Swedish: “Endast om jag kritiskt tager ställning till faktum, får det för mig värdekaraktär.Vi synes därmed komma tillbaka till utgångspunkten, att själfva värdeerfarenheten eller den primära värderingen är ett visst subjektivt förhållande till objektet, som just därför måste vara förhanden i och vid själfva värdeomdömet, för att det samma skall äga någon som helst betydelse.”